Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sasusaku Rape Fanfiction


In the first book of the Metamorphoses, Ovid says in verse 85: " os homini sublime dedit caelumque videre et erectos to sit sidera tollere Voltes: sic, so quae fuerat rudis et sine image, tellus induit ignotas hominum conversa figuras . "The greatness of man to whom God gave the standing and harmonious face it apart from the beasts to mirror in the sky is the emphasis of this power and this strange power of governance of 'attributed to the human world. In Genesis it is written: "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul" and primate: 26 <" And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the cattle, all wild animals and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. " 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." 29 Then God said, Behold, I give you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the whole earth and every tree that is the fruit yielding seed; be your food. 30 to all the animals wild, all the birds of heaven and all that creeps on the earth and that has the breath of life, I give every green plant for food. " And so it happened. 31 God saw all that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and morning were the sixth day.>

Every culture and every religion that is the construction of a dynamic culture which aims to provide sense and respond to basic needs of the real man, are the fundamental ideas of sacred projection and elaborate beliefs and yet profound tool and conceptual framework to govern the mind in contemplation and meditation of the world in awe and wonder in the reign of the first principles as those of identity, difference, of sufficient reason, transcending the condition material question on eschatology and cosmology, on Heidegger's fundamental question (why ever the being, and not all?) and its final destination of the soul after death, of which Plato has established (or revived old mythological beliefs and wisdom in the form) lines of thought insurmountable in the Phaedrus (wanting to prove the 'immortality of the soul), in the Timaeus (elucidating theories of time and the soul, being, becoming) and in the Phaedo (the doctrine of immortality). Topics somehow lapped by all the great Aristotle, Plotinus, Porphyry by Philo in particular in the writings of the latter (a very large) for the "return of the soul" and then to our culture have found extensive and innovative encyclopedic work of Augustine of Hippo. However, the seeds of all logical development are the same as those of Plato and the Presocratics, and then go back further in a direct and unique, resulting from that Absolute Thinker Heraclitus, though he complained in his fragments, purified and filtered provides the ability to navigate and Logos to find "Start."

obvious that these considerations relate to our historical horizon-greek-roman philosophy of the West, and yet, in every culture there is a reflection of the same light (a pulse that rises from within as a spiritual imprint) that guides the way logical thinking and leads to trails and landscapes, for joints of language and poetry, inventions and creations to the effect Further expansion and creation of cosmic chemical-physical that beginning from which the mind and thought and from which and to which the Spirit.

This system which organizes the basis of our culture and ideas that combines rational and metaphysical ideas and ideas Mythical and Sacred perpetually produces a sense of meaning for everything and finalize the individual and collective energies within a horizon of thought that even when seemingly at odds with the original scheme derived from the fusion of elements from the logical principles and ideals into reality is the effect of relationship and dialectic process with them.

Just think the influence of Scripture on the whole political thought even when it intends to be at odds, such as the French Revolution, Marxism, the reification of the hypostasis of protection and security that is embedded in the state.

is that the dialectic relies on the study of Protestant and then find the Sleiermacher Friedrich Hegel, Plato the nineteenth century, the insights of Benedetto Croce and the works of Plato made by the unveiling of the twentieth century the magnetic Heidegger.

This scheme is taken from Marx (on which compete in both studies for too long forgotten Cross Gentile) to explain the workings of the real economy and the course of history and have found a thinker understated and unknown in this role, as Wojtyla which reflects the historical events and captures the functionality of intelligent design or purpose of the story which proceeds according to a logic that is material and historicist rather than supernatural and ultraumana.

But I maintain that the institutions and events to carry out cooperative relationships with men to achieve that realize their power, and that essence, which is the watermark of becoming and that is not consumed and does not change the original structure to vary and change, to dissipate and wear but remains sovereign inviolability of their thinking as spiritual activity fueled by biological possibility.

Ergo, we have this single flow from idea to idea, from idea to bios from bios to Anthropos, Anthropos in to logos, from logos to polys, polys to be Polites, but these lead-changes are the product of a machine events that combines billions of real events and moments in a theory of exponential relationships and combinations that manufactures a complexity of thought, language, technique and experience, a dizzying pace of multiplicity and difference that is crystallized over time as the historical form and maintain be in this idea of \u200b\u200bideas while itself evolves and is subject to change as it occurs in the making and becoming, and the crystallized form of the proceeding is held historical contemplation and reflection of the Logos and experiences that scans billions of possibilities can provide direction and reinforcement or negation and protest, this is the hermeneutic of the spirit when he jumps from the individual to the collective spirit of the times and become organized in a period which corresponds values, principles, grammar and mathematical policies that constitute the cultural basis, and are buried in it are archaic myths and the cultural offerings that amended and repainted the same picture or the technically replicated and applied unconsciously repeating the contrivance those that break down in the monad dyad and the first division generates the infinite multiplicity with increasing complexity of relational networks and the hybridization of the substance in elementary grades and density that causes appearance and character of difference until you find reverberation in the structure of neurons and axons of the mind-frame in which circulates the unsolved mysteries of the lives and thought that while everyone knows of what defines experiences and knows nothing of itself and therefore can not know anything of what he knows is not possible that any logical process in binary mode to establish identity or difference between external and internal appearance that except for one located in Naples and watching the beauty of the Gulf, the father of hermeneutics carefully described: "what a beautiful illusion"

LUCIANO Venia - REAL MEN - 2011


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