Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Long Do Rosacea Pustules Last


falling like flies corrupt dictators in these frantic days of great change in Africa, historical epics of brave people defying death in the name of freedom. Certainly if the international community does not decide in haste to send aid, including military, to see the Libyan revolutionary criticism. Returning
all'Italietta, incidentally dictators are all friends of our little egoarca, missing only Putin list.
An old proverb says:
"Tell me and I'll tell you who you are ...

Meanwhile, the League, with the usual propaganda focused on fear, is already talk of a major emergency, invasion of refugees and its base more 'vulgar, on Radio Padania, insults i fleeing political persecution if they were human waste and not men ...

We are not surprised, that is the same league, just to pass an abortion of federalism, has sold and continues to sell off its dignity and Italy in this little man that many "Italian, not surprisingly mostly elderly, have voted and the media, even the left, have made the permanent center of the stage and television puppet of big brother. or the famous island. Despite all the
scandal, the serious crimes of which he is accused and misrule, the egoarca is still there, 'clinging to his chair, silent in the castle of the tireless advocates of confidence. Do you know that go to the polls this time is to lose. So on with the sale of new parliamentary laws ad personam against the judges, the central problem is not govern, heal the country, trying to solve Italy's problems, but reform of the justice, not him for the good of the Italians ... There's even some old
Italiot who still believe in this decade litany , The bales of a shameless and hypocritical regime of persononaggi that are sold now shamelessly.
Now there is even talk of restoring his parliamentary immunity. If the opposition were a bit 'more' specific, we will arrange permanent garrisons, demonstrations and other forms of strong protest against this degradation agonal unbearable, but everything after the great manifestaszione women, is silent, except for any action commendable Microomega . An 'then, that Italy remains captive one man, but also cowardly policies, corruption and lies everyday in addition to the more vulgar subculture media.
We hope that the African wind bring some 'courage here in Italy at this poor disaster.
For me, I just hope one day to wake up and feel like my ballerina dancing on the book of desires, the real, very genuine, with the joy of discovering with certainty that the twenty-year nightmare it is really finished.


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