Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Illinois Archery Rules

A true democratic change comes from below

Building a real alternative to the regime
Di Angelo Mazzoleni
In a pre-electoral phase, all Political use, often hypocritically, or propaganda, the word change. The change, however, presupposes a self-critical of themselves, subsequent to an honest analysis of its errors and the reality that you want to edit.
Narrowing the scope of analysis to the current political situation and the Italian left, which means that all its components, primarily the Democratic Party (for a decade caste mirrored in the opposition to Berlusconi and inert) to be credible again, should be able to be self-critical, internal renewal change and combine with real democracy, a word unknown to the current right-wing populist regime. Only after this cathartic process would then be possible to make credible proposals.
necessarily bring these two aspects to the problem of the current guidelines on programs, alliances and leadership most appropriate in order to win elections and govern the most of this devastated country. So, I think, you could really get out of frustration than a decade, give hope to a people betrayed and start building a real alternative government. To do need courage, determination and clarity of ideas and of course the basic honesty of those who manage the process.
The way I see it, they should therefore be
basic requirements for a real change:
-An innovative program, which should be built with the contribution of the base, not imposed from above and imposed on others as PD is doing - (1 error)
- Choosing alliances and leadership that should be shared equally defined through the primaries, the only form of real participatory democracy and the ruling of the base On the contrary Bersani, for fear of Vendola, will not want to them, while the alliance with Fini and Casini is a very confusing and not very productive if focused on a goal Short term - (2 )..... anomaly

Moreover, the fact that the electorate votes right belly or interest and is not credible in its subculture, does not mean that also that the left is and is unable to make a serious contribution to this reconstruction.
-Finally, it must move quickly because the whole process, management and organization best of the various phases and the communication (skills lacking in other left) the country do not require short time. The property is pd instead despite the urgings of Vendola and Di Pietro (third mistake).
last reflection: looking to the facts and behaviors, Vendola and Di Pietro, although there are constraints, they have instead demonstrated with the facts you really want to change the country. Not by chance meet the prejudices and obstacles caste retrive also left. Their error was, in my opinion, that it does not immediately make an 'alliance agreeing with its base an innovative program, reversing the balance of power left. Perhaps, before this iniziariva, the Democratic Party would change the route, perhaps aided by the internal pressure of the young scrappers.
In any event, finished ideologies, it is clear that honesty and concrete actions become essential tool to discern between honest and phrase-, an indispensable tool for those who choose to give their vote .
If we really go to a new phase in an emergency situation that requires radical change and radical choices, enough from these elements. With the tools current computer and other media, just as the primary basis of a consultation would be far more ' practicable time, with the advantage of building a shared perspective of the future, a direct democracy that is based on real needs of citizens and not on the logic established by an oligarchy of the summit. He often spoke of separation of politics from the reality of the country, that, pending a restructuring of more 'democratic parties and widespread, could be a concrete way to begin to bridge the gap.


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