Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hentia Free Streeming

possible electoral alliances.


How I wish, on some left-wing media, is finally beginning to discuss how to build a credible alternative to Berlusconi, and therefore also alliances possible to try to get out of the mire. On the basis of different positions and policy proposals, such assumptions are possible, which I have grouped reporting also the related consents according to the latest polls and some of my considerations :
1-LEFT ALLIANCE: PD IDV AND SEL-MOTION VENDOLA-DI PIETRO = approximately 32% of consensus compared to 31% of the rights.
So a slight edge of the left that I believe could grow if it is supported by innovative program, also agreed with the base, supported by a clever campaign, in particular communication and preceded by Democratic primary. This perspective has the advantage of providing fundamental finally a clear alternative to the country, with the possibility of real change that may also reserve surprises more consensus view of the general situation disappointment and resignation. Disadvantages: the third prong would probably be decisive in the Senate and would or later, however, a prior agreement with it to govern.
2- ALLIANCE OF ALL THE OPPOSITION- .PROPOSTA PD = approximately 45% versus 40% of the rights.
A victory would seem more likely.
Disadvantages: the big problem here is in a crowded general forces with different ideas that, as pointed out by Casini and Vendola, would see a difficulty of governing (just think of the proposals on nuclear Casini, the economy and especially on a policy of social redistribution that are not much different from today's, pensions, on ethical issues and international ). Not to mention the hostility of most of Finian, all could lead to declines in support even when voting.
3-PD Alliance (a part) and third prong - CARA A CASE CASINI = it is not clear here as poterebbe collect this list.
Disadvantages: I honestly do not you can get to overcome the right, there would in fact centrist enlarged area, thus a pole. In any case, we would then agree to a left or right to govern. Most likely at that point a propensity to engage in dialogue with Fini and Casini Berlusconi's heirs rather than Vendola and Di Pietro (now with the potential for a 16-20% approval) ...
4 - Another more fanciful, but not impossible hypothesis could be that of an agreement, on the basis of federalism, with the league by the left that would probably win but that would pose problems with respect to policy on immigration and other aspects of fund probably irreconcilable.

Personally, as I wrote in a previous article, a real renewal and rebuilding after the damage of Berlusconi, can only pass through a new policy, which starts from the needs of citizens with programs and alliances built from the bottom and clear leadership choice in a hurry through the primaries. It would bring together the best proposals that emerged from IDV, SEL, PD and also some points of the program, just and appropriate for me to Grillo (half-life parliamentarians, control system through a computer program, apply for a maximum of two terms, etc..), or mediating with some instances of the third pole. All this and pero ' subject to a change in the top of the line pd of bankruptcy, to a deep inner self-criticism, leading really to renew the party. There probably would have lost some centrist pd but to the benefit of an alternative proposal last consistent, dependable, able to change the country, especially if supported by a leadership chosen by the citizens and authoritative. I am therefore convinced that this is the best both on and off, but not all.
Finally, it is obviously background the hypothesis of an emergency, if things get worse. In that case would favor a temporary transitional government with an alliance between all the constituent opposition. a very different choice for a crowded but the government long-term which, moreover, given the current leaders, and caste, I would not change anything in this country already building for twenty years.
The big problem is that still seems to remain a certain conservatism on the left is too sparse in the meetings between the leaders, both in construction and sharing of programs.


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