Friday, February 18, 2011

Physical Therapy Aide Covr Letter

But the Democratic Party really want to govern?

A. Mazzoleni "Time is running out."
After the meeting, Bersani-League, the renunciation with the delegation of Vendola Bindi and her sinking immediately, I could not resist. I wrote this comment on the site of the Bersani.

Dear Bersani,
she is cute, I also appreciated some of his warm self-critical, so nothing personal in my:

-it takes something else to show that the PD, who was for fifteen years, its leaders, to caste speculate Berlusconi, has changed course and really want to win and govern the country.
Yes, because there are two cases: either do not want to assume the responsibility to govern, are amateurs or policy (which does not seem possible).
not otherwise explain the confusion inherent in strategic all your projects.
It sets out a few:
-first did not want the elections (caretaker government) then you changed your mind,
proposed the first-primary to choose a leader right from the bottom, then you have virtually abolished.
-then you proposed the alliance impractical, if not just in case emergency situation, with Fini and Casini continuing right to say no for obvious reasons of serious government.
-now try to bite the league who also said she did not (in essence a failure across the board Confusional-strategic) ...

for the elections have not yet proposed anything credible, simple, true, honest and acceptable from your own electorate because everything is the result of a construction a small Summit, always the same, rather than from a radical renewal of yourself, subsequent to an honest self-criticism and then proceed with a project born again from the bottom part.
Vendola now, wrongly in my opinion, seems to have done a step back, suggesting a novelty: a woman in his place as head of the coalition. Hypothesis immediately sunk by the various your capicorrente, never agree on anything. Now Bindi says of course not wish to nominate.
In short, who is the leader of your coalition, not the time has come to reveal the secret? If you do not even know you, what are you waiting to make the primaries? It will take time then to communicate with citizens and gain momentum, perhaps waiting for the last days? When it's late?
But you realize that in fifteen years are not even able to question your mistakes? Even a child would understand that it merely serves:
At-a clear program, discussed and shared with the base and citizens,
B-an alliance to steer clear, so with the natural allies Vendola and Di Pietro (there will be time later to the Senate for agreement with Casini or at least the league, certainly not now)
C- the primaries should be made for this and the verdict must be accepted democratically, even if it means losing a few centrist-conservative (better alone than badly accompanied).
The polls would seem to favor, in spite of everything it would be more 'decisive and clear by making choices. I am convinced that people are so tired that perhaps Vendola and Di Pietro, without you will come to a striking result. We need hope and credibility and it's in but still cheating.
To win, we do not need certainly convoluted strategies and losers of the past and these days (by the way, but D'Alema did not retire?).
this to win, but I doubt very much whether you want it, you're doing everything to lose even, while Berlusconi is still there ', in spite of all your strategies convoluted and inconclusive. Even here there would be ways to send him away, but really .. you want to send him home? ...


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