Monday, February 7, 2011

Blaze King Stove For Sale

The king naked and Macchiavelli

Lately I ricapitato is in your hands "The Prince" by Machiavelli whose advice to our egoarca seems to have drawn heavily and originality, applying perfectly in practice advice during a nearly two decades exercise of power. Unfortunately, our prince seems to have used only principles details , often the worst . Especially without respect the purpose of skiing, one for which the Machiavelli's political philosophy was unjustly trivialized synthesized and the assumption: "the end justifies the means", while was a point of redemption its in its primary goal. It is because, for Machiavelli, the people lie, harass, deceive or make use of every possible means, including force their power just to stay in the saddle But still targeted to achieve the common good. In our case, however, all seems subject to the mere preservation of their power or personal pleasure and to attempt to save himself from prosecution, those various shady judges Communists who seek to have taken up against him. A caste persecution of dangerous subversives who undermine the democratic state, therefore guilty of treason .
Really intolerable affront to a naked king, merely a source of generous love and charity, increased to the throne only to save Italy from the threat of communist dictatorship.


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