Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where Do I Purchas Px90 For My Computer

Nightfairy invites me then it is a must!

volentierissimo have to compile my first meme ...

What is your marital status?
fidanzatissima ...

What date is your birthday?
June 18

live in a city or country?
in town, but I'd like the campaign ...

What do you do or have done?
a bit of everything ... programmer, sales person in a center commercial promoter, gave reps, I did computer courses for adults .... now I try to study!

Do you have any allergies?
the grass, a herb can not remember the name .... the fact is that from March to July are always with red eyes and runny nose .... A SHOW!

What is your favorite smell?
the smell of my house ... even though sometimes I'd love to get away from here, my house always makes me safe.

Do you like sweets?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .... I I live for sweets!

What are your culinary tastes?
I like to try everything .... I have no problems, but I love pizza, ice cream and chocolate!

What kind of music do you like?
play a little bit of everything ... ska, rock, usually light ...

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite season?
spring, but now even the winter ...

Collections objects?
cups and glasses ... ... my mother would kill me if he could ... do not know where to put them!

Which magazines do you read?
do not read many magazines ... I like to read more of everything on the internet ...

You are subscribed to a magazine?

What's your style in clothes?
depends very much but as I run ", but usually jeans and a shirt or sweater!

Practice activity manual?
I just can not ... in fact, decorated with sugar paste is a mess!
I would love to learn how to make roses, but for me it's impossible ...

What is your favorite subject?
I loved teaching ... now I'm on algorithms!

What is your favorite animal?
do not love animals too ... but I like the bear, and the Saint Bernard!

What are your leisure?
cooking, spinning, beautiful walks, shopping (wild if you could!)

As the interior furnishings of your home?
very often I go to Ikea ... I'd like a particular home colorful and welcoming interior with wood ..... MAYBE!

You have a list of gifts online?
no ... can you do?

A more detail?
hopes to marry soon and have a child of my own to make you happy, but first I have to work and before graduating .... I try to smile at life even if recently I can not every day .... Night
thank you wholeheartedly for that thought!

I turn the call Eli ..... come back soon!


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