Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Salicylic Acid In Facial Cleansers

Independence ...

For some months now I wake up with a terrible sense of anxiety that shakes my stomach.
I want to stay in bed until dinner time, get up for dinner and get back down ...

I know that I would lose many things, but the idea of \u200b\u200bopening the book Algorithm 2 makes me want to vomit.
I'm sick of reading and rereading the same things and understand every day that I'll never be ready to take the exam later this month ...
examinations me there are only 3 and I know I can not give up now, but as I would drop everything ...
I do not do not to disappoint my family that encouraged me so much, I do because I know that would be a schiocchezza drop everything after so much effort ...
Then I think that both this degree will not give me too many satisfactions and that if I stop at the three-year degree now I have more experience and I'd be working for 3 years ... And I would
independent ...
Then I think that still are not too large (as they say my!), Which I still have time ... I think there are people who graduated 35 years in hell!
live with the other junk that is harassing me ... I hope I can somehow work it out ...
Now I go ... my dear photocopied and bound book is always here with me ... never leaves me!


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