Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bus Schedule For Pala Casino

8-Mame ...

Night also invited me to this and I am pleased to tell you something about me ...
Then, we see qusti 8 events ...
  1. When I was 13 my sister was born ... I love it! I spoiled as best you could do and now that is a little bigger if they see the results! ;) Can you unpick everything and I can always say yes. If she cries after a second he's doing well ... I just can not resist!
  2. I did 5 years of teaching high school social psycho because I loved (and love them all now) children ... I wanted to be nurses, but I hate needles and stuff and then I jumped on computer ... I'm doing the thesis to graduate in the specialty of computer science at L'Aquila. Sometimes I'm happy with this choice sometimes not ...
  3. not stand to be alone ... only lasted a short period!
  4. I had my first great love for 18 years ... we've been together 3 years ... he was in Moscow. I wanted him too well, but he turned out to be a person without want to do anything and just love to give ... My mom always told me "you'll see the difference when you find someone who really loves you" ... and it is coming in! He who loves me and I love him ... and we are very happy together! I'm with him for 5 years and hope to marry soon! And 'the man of my life!
  5. I'd like to have a wooden house ... maybe furnished by Ikea, with a beautiful garden and my kids playing. This is my idea of \u200b\u200ba happy family ...
  6. sleep without a pillow since I was in the pram .... I do not know why but I'm just uncomfortable with the pillow!
  7. are anxious and paranoid. I always think that can happen to me horrible things happen to those geese around me. Right now never to take the plane for fear that I have .... I hope so much that I throw trick that period. The night that my brother has returned to look otherwise I can not sleep ...
  8. I love shoes, bags and cups ... At home I have so many cups and I do not know where to insert them. If I could buy a different bag every day, but not too expensive!
Now I hope that I have known a little better ....

Friday, September 28, 2007

Hl-dt Dvdram Gh40f Drivers

Peace ....

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fringe Dress Green Blue

Tired, yes, but happy ...

E 'already ... I came back from Rome for a while.
I'm tired, I worked a lot and then I made a 2 hour drive ... but I'm so happy!
I am so happy because I'm finally coming home.
I spent a whole year every day at home and hope to arrive on Saturday to run from the only people who felt (and feel) nearby.
Now everything seems more beautiful ... I'm working on a great project and I feel alive!
I feel good about something, I feel important to myself, I feel that I should not dimostare anything, but just me.
At home things are more serene ... maybe even with my part of the blame was mine too that I was always sad and indisposed to any dialogue ...
I realized that being locked in the house especially when you do not even go out because it does not have a penny and if you leave then you go to buy something ... and you feel you can not get worse ... not good ... My mother
20 years was home to "our" ... now that I'm big I can understand ...
I have not had much time to cook anything ... luckily my mom makes me find everything ready on the table! What a treasure!
Ah! Today my love has made a test .... 27! Bravo darling ..... there leveremo them from the boxes stronzissimi these exams!
I'll write soon for a nice recipe ....
I embrace you tightly ...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Examples Of Guys's 21st Bday Party Facebook Event

I have so much to tell and little time .... unfortunately
So the interview went well, I have taken to carry out the thesis in the company.
The company deals with optimization of sitemi and things like that, I will work with them to do my thesis in the hope that things go well.
The subject I like very much to me and the engineer who did the interview knows my prof. University and has already spoken with him that is okay.
I just sent an email and we will meet Friday .... I have a fear of mad ... but I'm also very excited. Fortunately
are not too far from home and even if I have to travel a little I do not mind at all.
I got very lucky and I'm very happy!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Istqb Sample Question Paper

Fear ... If

Between an hour I have a job interview ....
Keep your fingers crossed for me, I'm so scared! A

after I tell you how it went!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Realtionship Counter Generator

three years after the issue of human

the day of return to his already full of mixed emotions and nostalgia do not know exactly where and what was even more special.
The return flight, and 'was deleted, there was just the air. After a grueling wait at the airport, they decided to put us in a hotel. I will not speak of chaos and inefficiency in managing the Indian situation, which by now I'm used to and you do not see anything wrong, on the other hand, we are in India.
What struck me is another matter however, as to think that the cancellation was a sign. They are rational in nature and in a sense be a month in India has made me more rational, so if your flight is canceled, it is because there was a technical problem and nothing else. Cause and effect. No end. But if only for a moment to play the game of signs and meanings, we wanted to find a way at all costs, I could say that made me stay an extra day because there was something I had not seen yet and I had see before leaving.

poverty, degradation, suffering, I had seen widely. But luxury has not.
The hotel where we had put a 5-star super-luxury. Close proximity to airport, or even close to the slums (there are cabins attached to the runway, I read that there were finite even above, and then were blown down ...). In fact you go to get in the middle of streets on the sides of which there are dozens of shacks piled on each other. The hotel is surrounded by a wall and enter through a gate guarded by a dozen armed men.
Inside, the luxury. One of those "lavish riches" of which reads institute for the blind. A huge hall, frighteningly huge, lush with fountains of water, with pianos grand staircases and a princess, onto which the doors of the rooms, ten floors of luxury rooms.
Outside, the usual 35 degrees with 100% humidity, indoors, air-conditioning so strong that not enough for me all the clothes I took to cover me from the cold.
Outside, children who rolls through the mountains of waste, inside businessmen Navigation million dollars or euro from their laptop.
Inside the hotel then there is a huge buffet with every kind of dish, Indian, Western, Chinese, fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, shrimp, soup, salad, curry, sweet. Open 24 hours a day. And people eat out of rubbish.
I go to the top floor better view from above. It 'hard to see below, there are no railings anywhere, you almost do not want to show off. But I find a window to the side and I can watch below. We can see from the outdoor pool in the garden: the people (here in the pool mainly in the West) that takes the sun, which makes diving. Beyond the wall, just leaning against the wall, tin sheds people and dirty, very dirty, with no running water, no water, no toilets and latrines. But how do they do? Let me be clear: I mean how do those who make dives to take the plunge.
crow flies only two or three meters. But they do not see each other: the wall and very green and tropical palm trees separating the two worlds.

me think it is immoral. The word haunts me all day. Immoral.
But then slowly I am reminded that our morality is not 'theirs, that morality is not something universal. Maybe there is not even the concept of morality in India. Immoral for me, I grew up in Christianity and that, while not making it anymore, somehow I fed right and wrong, moral and immoral, do good to others and do harm. So saying "immoral" I'm just judging by my meter with my culture.

But another word (another trial) grant me, justified by the fact that I have suggested them, the Indians. It 's that "inhuman" already had me thinking that I could think of at night along the sidewalks, day in front of people without arms.
E 'inhumane gap. Yes, it's inhumane.
E 'with these words in mind and heart that I leave India, where we are from another plane in the middle of the night.

But every word contains, denying even its opposite. And inside there is inhuman human.
Now, here, at a distance of thousands of kilometers from Mumbai and a few weeks, but this is the word that I have left, that I took with me: human. Why then, from a distance remember the faces, people, looks more human than ever, in their equally desperate condition of the inhabitants of the platform or businessmen. Because inside the inhuman, we are human and maybe it's right there in the end you have to go and look.

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Nightfairy invites me then it is a must!

volentierissimo have to compile my first meme ...

What is your marital status?
fidanzatissima ...

What date is your birthday?
June 18

live in a city or country?
in town, but I'd like the campaign ...

What do you do or have done?
a bit of everything ... programmer, sales person in a center commercial promoter, gave reps, I did computer courses for adults .... now I try to study!

Do you have any allergies?
the grass, a herb can not remember the name .... the fact is that from March to July are always with red eyes and runny nose .... A SHOW!

What is your favorite smell?
the smell of my house ... even though sometimes I'd love to get away from here, my house always makes me safe.

Do you like sweets?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .... I I live for sweets!

What are your culinary tastes?
I like to try everything .... I have no problems, but I love pizza, ice cream and chocolate!

What kind of music do you like?
play a little bit of everything ... ska, rock, usually light ...

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite season?
spring, but now even the winter ...

Collections objects?
cups and glasses ... ... my mother would kill me if he could ... do not know where to put them!

Which magazines do you read?
do not read many magazines ... I like to read more of everything on the internet ...

You are subscribed to a magazine?

What's your style in clothes?
depends very much but as I run ", but usually jeans and a shirt or sweater!

Practice activity manual?
I just can not ... in fact, decorated with sugar paste is a mess!
I would love to learn how to make roses, but for me it's impossible ...

What is your favorite subject?
I loved teaching ... now I'm on algorithms!

What is your favorite animal?
do not love animals too ... but I like the bear, and the Saint Bernard!

What are your leisure?
cooking, spinning, beautiful walks, shopping (wild if you could!)

As the interior furnishings of your home?
very often I go to Ikea ... I'd like a particular home colorful and welcoming interior with wood ..... MAYBE!

You have a list of gifts online?
no ... can you do?

A more detail?
hopes to marry soon and have a child of my own to make you happy, but first I have to work and before graduating .... I try to smile at life even if recently I can not every day .... Night
thank you wholeheartedly for that thought!

I turn the call Eli ..... come back soon!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Cael Sanderson Originals

I take care of you ...

good start all week ... This
end I stayed with my brother and my boyfriend in Rome for the Notte Bianca.
We are very lucky that the father of my boyfriend works there and then lived in small apartments where we could sleep!
We started Saturday morning with the bus ... starting with the driver Viggo the more raw I've ever seen. Just ask him climb
"Excuse me, can I put the bag in the luggage rack?" and he says: "If you do not have to put to 'Mo, who I expect you open? You take it over. "Then you will find that the baggage door was closed and he would have opened anyway .... we left ...
Once in Rome we realize that we have a small problem ... we do not have the keys .
What a disaster! We had to find the cleaning lady who kindly took them there ... and we in the sun and waiting for the bags to arrive ...
We left at 8:30 and we were able to come home that were about 12.30 ... sweaty!
We ate at a small diner / bar...che is on the Via Nazionale .... council, decent price. I ate a really good risotto.
Afternoon we went to the Basilica of St. Paul to the V-Day ... there were many people ... We have applied our dear
firmetta I hope will serve as something really ...
For 8 we were back home.
time to eat a little bit and then off to San Lorenzo for Modena City Ramblers ...
We danced a bit with my love ... and around midnight we went by subway to the Capitol to see Battiato.
There was so many people ... the concert we saw from the big screen ...
Battiato sang "care" and my sweet darling whispered in his ear ... "I'll take care of you" ... made me shiver ... but I already know it will be so, because already takes care of me every time.
Then we skipped with "I see you dance like the gypsies of the desert ... "
So it was a great night and we went to bed at 5 am exhausted but very happy ...

And today ... we are already separated again ...... but "see you soon do not worry" ...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What Can U Use To Masterbate

Ciambellone Baileys and white chocolate ...

Last night I was at the supermarket with my mother and at one point that she is gripped by ... shelf a bottle of Baileys ... Then
me "In life we \u200b\u200bmust also give us something ...
It was not wrong!
a cuddle every now and we should give to everyone!
We drank a glass after dinner at my house but we were never big drinkers.
So I called my cousin and I got the cook to the recipe of his donut to Bileys ...
Here it is:


160 g Sugar 250 g Flour

a glass of milk
a glass of Baileys
80 g butter
g 100 g chopped roasted
1 tablespoon baking

I beat the eggs and sugar, then I added the flour slowly.
I then put the melted butter, but cold.
I did heat the milk and the Baileys and once removed from the heat I have put the white chocolate and I melted.
I then joined the parent compound along with the hazelnuts.
Finally I put the yeast.
The dough is very liquid ....
I cooked at 180 degrees for forty minutes.

really liked the cake ... I gave the very idea of \u200b\u200bautumn and the rain yesterday it was fine!

Thank you Roby!

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colonial school in the center once a week is a game. In reality 'is a serious game. The fishing is a note from a box and you read it. Over there 'wrote a problem that one of the boys wrote during the week, his problem, and discuss together how to solve it.
That is, when one has a problem, writes down and puts it in a box. Sooner or later it will be 'caught, read and discussed.
The problem this week and ': I want to go to a certain school, but I do not have the money to join. My parents did not have the money but they do not care if I go to school.
And here the problem and 'always the same: the money. It must be said that the school and 'a serious problem: there is' a proliferation of private schools for the new rich, demanding fees more and more' high. The public school instead, and 'in shambles and the government's investment are directed solely to subsidize private schools. But as children of the slum to pay a private school? Do not even have running water and bathroom.
Luckily for some of them are associations like Akanksha.
But what about those who wrote the note? The boys suggest that they earn a bit 'of money doing odd jobs, going to fetch water for those who need it (in fact, there is no running water') Keep children from other families, go to spending other people. All jobs are decent. But few will have enough money, so 'earned', I ask myself.

Just a day then I understand, or better, makes me realize, and that 'Ramiz, the Muslim girl friend of mine who wrote this note. I suggest you talk explicitly with Anjali, the teacher, but she does not want. He says that is not interested in anything other than serious study, no children or distractions, but they do not want her studies, money spent on studies is no money lost.

I curb my humanitarian spirit and convince me that say "I'll pay, the school ', not' a solution. It 's not even a solution to make it come to study in Italy: how the imagination runs fast ... First
'cause she would not accept, because the second' cause tensions with her family, who even wanted it to be in the program and Akanksha that they would rather spend that money on something else. Besides, she does not want to get away from his family, despite obvious problems with his, and 'very attached to them. And then everyone else? Would not be discriminated against? It 's not the only one with big dreams who wants to be a doctor, an engineer who, who the teacher.

What to do? My solution is not 'better than the one proposed by the boys with the game of cards: they know the situation better than me.

I went home without resolving this and other problems. They are down there 'trying to solve them, day after day, note after note.

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Independence ...

For some months now I wake up with a terrible sense of anxiety that shakes my stomach.
I want to stay in bed until dinner time, get up for dinner and get back down ...

I know that I would lose many things, but the idea of \u200b\u200bopening the book Algorithm 2 makes me want to vomit.
I'm sick of reading and rereading the same things and understand every day that I'll never be ready to take the exam later this month ...
examinations me there are only 3 and I know I can not give up now, but as I would drop everything ...
I do not do not to disappoint my family that encouraged me so much, I do because I know that would be a schiocchezza drop everything after so much effort ...
Then I think that both this degree will not give me too many satisfactions and that if I stop at the three-year degree now I have more experience and I'd be working for 3 years ... And I would
independent ...
Then I think that still are not too large (as they say my!), Which I still have time ... I think there are people who graduated 35 years in hell!
live with the other junk that is harassing me ... I hope I can somehow work it out ...
Now I go ... my dear photocopied and bound book is always here with me ... never leaves me!

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One of the programs Akanksha centers, apart from the lessons of English and mathematics, is the so-called empowerment. That is to teach children to acquire an awareness of their situation and to become independent and responsible. Inside
empowerment there are many things, carried out by social workers to Akanksha, running the various centers in Mumbai. More or less in each center will hold an empowerment session once a week or every 15 days. We talk about hygiene, sex education, drug and alcohol use (widespread problems in the slums), conflict resolution, discrimination (caste, gender, economic), the importance of education, the dignity of all trades honest, but also of wealth and poverty in this new neo-liberal India.
Within this program, an institution for the blind Ragini days ago read a passage that speaks to children in India of contrasts, where extreme poverty and wealth coexist rampant. There are people living on the streets, eat (if they eat) collecting waste and next there are millionaires who live in luxury, give receptions and dinners for thousands of people whose only surpluses would be enough to feed hundreds of people a day, says the song. "Lavish inhuman poverty and riches."
This word is impressed me: ihnuman, inhuman. He'll be back out on my last day in Mumbai, so obvious, overwhelming, unstoppable. There is perhaps a better word to define these inequalities at the edge of cruelty, this lack of humanity.
Humanity on the other hand often read on the faces of the poor, be gentle and not in their rebellion, their eyes full of (too?) Than and compassion. Formerly called her resignation, but now I have a better word: acceptance. Resignation is a Western concept, meaning that it has made us a reason, which has tried to change but not if they have succeeded. It means that you know what is wrong, but it's true and there is nothing to be done. But the Indians do not. There is no question of right or wrong, is not the problem. E 'and so must be accepted.
E 'inhuman squandered the wealth from the richest, absolutely inhuman. But this acceptance of the poorest, I can not seem to accept it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

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My pearl ...

I want to start there with a cake that I made for the birthday of my sister Julia.
realize I had fun and I was very happy with the result!
It 's a 6-egg sponge cake filled with whipped cream and cherry syrup. The flavor
was very good .... but we must put a lot of syrup.

The decorations I made by melting chocolate and then tracing the design on the parchment of Diddl.

I have decorated the edges with written on it with chocolate and cream white and pink.
My sister was very happy ....