Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Seizures And Someone Lost Of Memory

A possible alternative and successful


concrete strategies for change.

I think that if you ally, Vendola and Di Pietro, on the basis of a innovative program, they would obtain, according to recent polls
a 15% approval. To this must be added the votes of disillusioned and deserters of the PD (just read the blog and the fact the site of the PD to get an idea) not to speak of abstentions that would be attracted to the new project. IDV and SEL could reach to 25% of votes, not counting the additional value of the charisma of Vendola. A substantial number, such as to upset the balance of power on the left and forced the Democratic Party to change its attitude ....... Perhaps, with the help of Renzi and Serracca inside, we could even retire to the bankruptcy leaders who have directed for a decade. Would trigger a process of true re-foundation of the left could win the election, as the third pole that extracts votes for Berlusconi and the Lega. Al there 'calculations, what is more important is that you really could give new hope to a people betrayed. In light of this and with all my limitations, I can not comprehend why the Vendola and Di Pietro
continue to pursue this initiative Pd instead of taking a strong stand-alone .
I hope to be doing so and when it happens I think it will be important with the current electoral law for voters not to waste unnecessarily left with grillini votes, which also denounced the right things, and re-establishment of former Capetti But above all Vendola and Di Pietro will demonstrate the ability to develop a strong program of change and an alliance that lasts at least time to defeat Berlusconi, if not the Berlusconi. In on what I have indicated, I think, could be some planning guidelines for solving many problems of the country. A. Mazzoleni

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