Friday, November 12, 2010

How Can A Wart Be Cancer?

Arts and parallel dimensions

Syncretism and new spiritual dimension
A. Mazzoleni

recent trial phase of syncretism spiritual space beyond the religious or spiritual synthesis earthly fascinated and stimulated in particular by the issue of parallel dimensions
During the course of my artistic research, I came naturally as part of
. ..
Besides all my varied path in painting and sculpture
should also be read as a kind of inner journey through time and space in search of our origins and our destiny.
Through some tests I discovered
that scholars and scientists argue that thesis suggest the possible existence of a multi-dimensional universe (Mack, Vallee to name a few). Without going into the illustration of these theories, say that the substance of the whole matter is that you can

that while each of us
of which we are not aware of.
I made some works in this direction and others I have in mind, but what I personally have heard while I was the strange perception
and fleeting images of a universe full of doors, rooms beyond time and space in which
the destiny of every living being is fulfilled. I heard el'ebbrezza the mystery of a journey as a kind of time machine through which to project
mentally, if not yet spiritually and physically, in ' broader exploration of ourselves, of who we are, we could be who we were and that we will become or already have become without knowing it elsewhere. I believe that each of us carries within an infinite dreams, of hopes, intuitions images, thoughts, but very few are construction and completion, this time in the soil. Perhaps it is possible that they will be made elsewhere. I have in mind one day to publish a book staff on this, on so many creative ideas, insights that I have illuminated
briefly during my life as an artist and man but not for lack of time I was able to achieve
. But that's another story .. here I just wanted to, going out for a while from the miseries around us, talking about a different issue on which comparative purposes.


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