Saturday, November 13, 2010

Muvies In Espanol Free


degradation ART SYSTEM

As in politics, economy and society, unfortunately, the art system is not immune to degradation , commodification, deceptions of various kinds.
The trash TV, but that shouted no real content, is an obvious example. I will not dwell any more on this issue of the commodification
because I have done in past, some comparisons with

controversial characters in this system or indirectly support it
quote only for Italy compared with the controversy-director G. Politi Flash art).
I limit myself only to observe, as he said recently with intellectual honesty, even the art critic P. Davenport
now the real art hidden in the lives of many studies artists, some often unknown to the general public, who do real research While it is really difficult to find on the stages
which features acclaimed artists from a system run by large financial groups now decide what is art and what not.
Queta occurs not only in Italy but also abroad enough
the American system as an example of the great temples where the paradox sales (real or perceived) of works
of some contemporary artists
superior to those of Picasso or other great masters of the past.
Who governs and directs all of this? Very few financial empires with galleries and close relationships with major international museums. is mainly governed by people of oligopolies often uncultivated or no ability to read art, whose sole purpose is almost always gain an end in itself, not to spread the expressions most significant artists of our time .. Hence sponsorships and stage effect designed to make the most of the artists on which elites decide to invest.
ultimate consequence: large mystification and falsification of the true values \u200b\u200band artistic content of true and deep tunnels which and operators need to adapt. Even some expressive lines are dictated from above (eg for many years. are very much in fashion installations and performance, which finds a widespread conformism Supo climax in the big art fairs), all without any selection criteria for serious artists and works.
To leave all this be enough, in my opinion, that intervention by the state governments, promoting true selections on their territories to retrieve the submerged heritage through committees made up of art critics transparent independent and prestige, men of culture and industry experts including the artists themselves. In the absence of criteria and transparent selection, managed by the institutions and not by private groups, the real artistic and cultural n el
our country is destined to remain in the undergrowth along with
true values \u200b\u200bof art.
Everything at the expense of the public and collectors of the same
today often mistaken in the choices (including investment) promoted by the media circus this
international trade, which, as has been shown recently to research conducted by a national art magazine, is formed by a small number of galleries and international figures. A sort of art dome ...


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