Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Long Till Noro Germs Die On Hard Surface

Father's Day - Cake Cake Chic

now we also Father's day has arrived, so ..... what to give? the usual tie and jacket? NO, not the usual ... this is special ..... eat!

in their packs ...
with lots of tissue paper .... which in our case is cartaforno!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Beat Bloons Level 47

Libya and Italy at the nuclear

As a citizen, after seeing the work on our national system, various types of corruption, hypocrisy and absurdity of all kinds, including from the opposition pretend that we find ourselves , after observing the deterioration of the most elementary moral and democratic inertia generally put under the heels, I thought bitterly that, at least abroad, in Europe and America with Obama things to work a bit 'better. The civil and proud reaction the Japanese people to the tragic earthquake seems to confirm moving and promising.
Unfortunately, recent events in Libya say much more. They talk about Europe as hypocritical and ineffectual, an 'America uncertain, undecided, generally of incomprehensible ; inertia of the global total. Faced with a dictator who is regaining ground rapidly erasing lives and the last hopes of a revolution no one has the moral and civil courage to act. Gaddafi has condemned
words, it has become a wanted man, you are frozen goods, has had the OK from the Arab League to an international military interevento and then ...?
Europe has fearfully portrayed by any subsequent action and consistent.
If the UN does not act quickly, something which I doubt at this point, the end result will be inevitable to have a dictator on our doorstep yet fierce, furious over allegations for more international trade, Italy in the head.
In parallel, in Italy at our poor under the scheme, while everywhere, from Germany, they call into question the 'use of atomic energy, the government decided to continue instead of right on the line of nuclear, to face the referendum passed and now proven that energy, will get little benefit. Here do not count the high costs involved, and the fact that, when they are made, these same plants will be obsolete. All'atuale government does not import the risks of a disaster, the additional problem of disposal of radioactive waste (Unsolved problem in Italy, even for those previously accumulated much less in the future), full speed ahead on the line determined by the interests of clever scheme. Indeed those who dare speak is accused of looting.
The ironic thing is that we live in earthquake country and where it abounds the sun ... ergo: cut off the funding for nuclear energy altrenative. .

Moral: we have a government in a tight numbers, which stands with the so-called buying and selling of MPs of other policy areas, with a prime accused in various processes, and that does not give up the chair thanks to an opposition incapable. a system of power that priority is doing two things recently after abortion disguised as federalism: just cut funding to green electricity, and the epochal reform of justice. Meanwhile, as the unemployed and casual workers are rising, young people are robbed of their future and people do not arrive later this month. Yet there are still italioti Goven this rate it.
What do we learn all this? That human ignorance and timidity, combined with corruption, lack of courage and true values, which can have a devastating mix 'a people reduced to slavery' that many without even realizing it.
why I hope, unlike the League, that "hordes of immigrants Libyans" invade us. ... Perhaps, in time, when their blood will be mixed with our brave, will emerge as a true humanity, perhaps a better Italy.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Get High With Lidocaine

shirt and tie during the lesson in style!

The image consultant and personal shopper Lavinia Bonsignore held in Rome on March 26 to 27 during a two-day entitled " Lessons in Style "to be held at the Stables of Palazzo Ruspoli, for those interested in seeing the program can click on the link below.

too I will be attending with my Chic Cake in order to show how an event organized by taste can be made unforgettable with the creation of custom cakes.
And this is the beautiful poster

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Free M450 Telstra Answering Machine Manual

cake balls and irons

Cake with balls and irons for a grandmother who takes 72 years and who is passionate about making beautiful knitting scarves for the whole family!

balls (decorated mini cakes) in delicate shades of pink, green and blue

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Brent Corrigan Free School


In a perfect cycling down the street and the street are on the same
I say or Heraclitus,
laboratory of thought and
hermeneut of the sun.
shows me the time as a child

investigate the nature of the disclosed and changing
fisis and then describe rivers impenetrable.
probe the star
fly over the braids and the textures and light solvi
Mirabile weaver
First Poet of Light
Reason, contemplative vision
if you can reassemble the fragments of the world and

order ideas
Crystal noetic intellect and you can start with the five fragrances
back hope and strength to man in ten thousand
Excellent I speak of the fire and its mutants the scent of what burns
and that equals the difference of day and night seeing the One in the dyad, winged
singer and the first book finder,
day night, the starry sky
programmed by the sun, explore and indicate

lightning and see at the helm of the cosmos
of this Logos which is always the men who have no intelligence from one
all things and all the things that
a hidden harmony is better than what appears
the young and the old words are the same.

Ontario Mills. Jc Penney

Romantic cupcake and cake baby cake

Romantic cupcakes with roses and flowers
perfect as a gift individually or as a double contour to portions or wedding cake, and why not, as the original wedding favor!

in their chic packaging

and then over a small cake with baby booties from

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dogs Destroying Dog Bed

Poll: what should the opposition to send home Berlusconi

report here next to a mini-survey on the most effective ways to send home Berlusconi .
A. Mazzoleni art "Waiting"
There it seems that collecting signatures by themselves do not lead very far, requires more:

"the difference between a dream and a plan is that the dream, (or the abstract and inconclusive chat) does not have a deadline, a draft it should have serious political times and very specific steps to be achieved through a determined and courageous. "

In the absence of this and coherent actions in that direction, we think we can not talk to prospects ; real success of a fight but only fiction.

5 Lb Boston Butt In Big Green Egg

Homer Simpson

In footage of a cake with a cake designer prototype of Homer Simpson classic American man (but also very Italian!) can not really miss.
to realize I really enjoyed it! This
I was requested by the girl who made my beautiful cards out of sight for the 30th birthday of her boyfriend.
We women are always very nice and attentive!
I still miss a man who seeks to have me for his girlfriend / wife .....( except for Valentine's Day cakes ... but those do not count!)

But let the cake ....

in addition there are also four cupcake with profiles of the rest of the Simpsons ... Bart, Marge, Lisa and Maggie!

The legendary donut ... a luscious donuts ....
.... the Duff Beer ...

note the iPad under the pillow!
the cupcake closely with colored sugar
stamp factory ......
the next chic Cake!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ps3 Hard Drive Loader

Godot and the political project of the Dictators Bersani

Waiting for Godot
Angelo Mazzoleni

Last night during the Annozero transmission, it was possible to understand something most of the political project of Bersani so far turned in the nebulae of the usual lack of communication. Not much really, but enough to play a bit 'better moves past the Democratic Party and make some considerations.
Let's start with what you've got it:
-PD has developed a program that will (still not clear when) to potential allies in a coalition antiberlusconiana.
-chi, in advance, will accept these points will go into coalition.
said so 'it would seem elementary and reasonable.
In fact, in my view, we start already on the wrong foot. A coalition in which all have equal dignity, and further interest in working in a good government should share, especially to participate and decide prior to the construction of a joint program. Moreover, this process is to be effective and democratic, should go through the active support of allies and citizens, in short, should be built from the bottom and not be decided and imposed from above by a few leaders ...

Bersani, apparently purports to require Vendola , Di Pietro, Casini and so his vision. already established from a container.
then all the unknowns remain about leadership and leading. In short you get the impression that, once again, the leaders of the Democratic Party that make chatting more facts ..
We saw in these years of bankruptcy and political speculations than the right and it now sees the absence of concrete, strong and above all decided to put this scheme with their backs to the wall. Coming back to the original, I am not that have been promoted organic meetings to discuss this with IDV Esel. I have not seen, as would be obvious and reasonable, round table discussions between the opposition leaders to establish common strategies in the short and long term.
The difference between a dream and a plan is that the dream (or chat abstract and inconclusive in this case) has no end, a serious political project, it should be good times and stages precise.
It seems that each one of the leaders left on his own trips waiting Godot-pd.
Had I been by Santoro, I tried to investigate these issues with some specific questions:
-do the primaries or not and when?
-what are the main contents of your program '?
-sponsored events because you do not have carpet or strong initiatives (resigned from parliament) after the case Bunga Bunga and the latest attacks Berlusconi's institutions?
-the fact of not having acted in this direction is not it proves that you do not have then a great desire to go to the polls and win?
-if not the primary when and who will choose the leader of your coalition?
Of course this is my personal opinion based on what we have seen .. I hope fervently that the rhinoceros sbagliare.e arrive before the train ...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shock Therapy For Masterbation

Roma fan

we are in Rome and then large Supporters of the yellow team red!
This cake I was asked by a girl who wanted to make a nice surprise to her boyfriend super Roma fans.

's all made and painted entirely by hand


a special bottle of champagne .....

.... the cup ...

the ball with the scarf ...

and written Lazio - Roma 00-40 in scoring recalling the years of the celebrated

other Roman symbols .... the wolf!

an overview and then to top this cake with Roma fans, bottle of champagne, cup, ball and scarf with Lupa profile!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sinus Electric Heater

A sequence can draw a roadmap for performance historic landmark in the move towards a station, where a culture is manifested and operates a variety of forces, a job that takes shape and you have a real crystal and the cosmos as a support for the flow of being.
This is the psychic presence there being a person who represents and is a world that operates a realization of self in relation to everything he is not. The
there is the recognition, thinking, "to be located" in a place where one is called by the enigma of the birth, biological fact that some unknown but it does include the "before" and "wonder" and the "wonder" of revelation, of language, hiring the standing to watch the stars.
there is extension beyond the self, by all means the projection of the self through thought and technique, the latter derived from pure thought, there is the ability to design and make working numbers and patterns, principles and laws, things and instruments, develop the feeling with the experience, bring the nostlgia the genesis and anxiety of finitude.
A state is thus a condition and location, a situation in time, space and spirit which gives access to a world where there are laws that regulate memory and geometries, chemical and physical properties, and where are the roots cogitation esserizzante and invent new horizons mythical product and furnace archetypes, universal ancestral deposits transpossibili, philosophemes and logical principles.
this be located, be situated in this we find the two truths that Heraclitus believed that they are identical and a yearning for God as a unitary and unifying power of the self and the utmost care as the expectation of a future life beyond death as a continuation of the being of Dasein.
The second truth is the primary cause of the religious men who are perpetual and consists of rites and symbols, beliefs and eschatology from the first consciousness.
Everything moment in history and the here and now "is always an invocation of" then "as soon as reason is at the government of being.
And suddenly there is the search for a foundation and a principle of reason that is the question of any other application. Why the world and not nothing? Because the being is?
man a chance in the World is an individual STS, which is suspended in its accomplishment as overstepping bounds and opposed by the friction of real freedom with respect to the ideal.
The node can be a confluence of effects arising from the concert of forces and ideas that shape the world of a One filtering and processing forces and ideas of the living and natural machines powered by technology.
This is possible in the one-time embracing the infinite possibilities in the short and unstable, and a World on the size of the innumerable possible worlds in n, k, beta, 12 NaCl, H2O, write, do, quark, micro, macro, X.
The potential is limitless universe and multiverse that is purely logical exercise of categorization and appears as one of the grains of sand to the beaches of an island and a coast of a region in a country, a continent on the planet by multiplying this number by the great number larger generating them.
This can possible be contemporary and relevant.
Entering the possible rush of power from the limbo of the abstract to the concrete configuration of a real world we call M1.
In M1 already have one and find other information and find a world where pre-existing and already existent and I sorghum roots, developed with the biology that feeds my mind and my abilities enables the development of logical thinking and memory; I wake up and wonder in amazement of my being and essence.
Ergo, I begin to ask the question and to follow both the inner and outer routes, one to me which explores, look vague and dismayed to find a meaning for life, the other to God, who seeks a continuation of the biological limit known as a limited, in a reunification with the All in the hope that I can survive the life in spirit and in fact it can with a new re-corporeal life.
A body that to Sao Paulo is glorious, freed from matter, independent of the need. Such a body is therefore necessarily the spirit.
are two-way, two questions and two truths that are resolved in one way, on a single truth, one life.
's way down the street and are on the same , Heraclitus already knew.
If the eternal is the coexistence of all possible current and any possible traces itself all possible rotation and flashing as the Being who is "all in all" and then all in all, there is an afterlife where they are the spirits that individuals now in the fullness of its mystery, but beyond this is one of the world and Infinite One.
Infinite as are infinite worlds, One because all the world are strong not only because it tied in all, but because in each - on the one hand there is the whole enclosed power, compressed, content, which tends to secure full implementation of "fiat lux ", the need, and second in every world there is the performance of the whole being on a very long time and seen as tending towards the eternal infinity.
true when I find myself spending a time, and then remains are, but also the instant when the sudden generation and ___________ do not reach the surface of consciousness, but they are traveling from the senses to the intellect.
This time is the charge that triggers the coiled rope that held me in place and brings me to the creation of what they are.
This time is energy. Lampo. Fragment. Folgore. Fire. Idea. Will.
Will wanted ! The longitudinal size, density, intensity, the amplitude of the time are latitudinal gates of the hermeneutic of Dasein and the presence of Being.
later in the sequence and a possible phenomenon, the passage from the jump, the fissure, by design, from creation, from the invention.
I can then take in its flow as a tributary to the Delta and go out of his bed, and the mouth of the possible branches in the seminal reasons of possibility and responsibility of the estuary with the tides that rise to introduce counter nell'alveo moments of the surf, tides and alkaline sedimentation.
Access possible as an intense light that travels great distances very quickly and I tune in the world can act at that point of intersection of space, time, function, size and spirit of storytelling.
The nexus of the possible is a religious , keep a clear a bound, earth, theater, chess, the elements and the distributed intelligence that is thick in the subject as the address of the flow.
From this it flows into the power of knowledge surrounding produce, projects, designs a script in the world.
few elements from the densities and separations lead to a multiplicity and complexification by planning pyramids of the report, which is the synthetic forms, they belong to the dialectic atomic to the molecular, cellular and organic than on that of the colonies and collective life.
The story is then read and that "literature" of the intersections between phenomenology and levels of being in the theater, according to a timetable.
The dialectic spiral is a figure that takes the relationship between the size and intelligence elements, between elements, between settlements and collective.
The grammar can be powered by 'imprinting the world which is the combined effect of its genetic makeup and nutrients intellectual, spiritual and physical chemistry.
the way deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contains genetic information for use in the biosynthesis of RNA and proteins essential to the life of living in each other can you find a similar result of a constellation of polymer monomers not only in a material sense but also in a metaphorical sense.
Also in the possible, whatever and wherever it is, duplication before its replication (...) (...) remedy errors of transcription and thus prevents the loss of information .... ..
binary This truth is a simple recipe of government and understanding of the infinite.
above the track but there's the One, the lightning is by Heraclitus that "at the helm of the Universe."
No drifting dualist then because the pair 0-1 is just a fantastic machine construction and interpretation of the world based on a Single-design, intelligent design.
The possible M is then an algorithm where the entries are not always defined, are open to further, yet they are already weighted and calculated by the generator that is the likely possibility of the World M-1.
Where possible there is an ideal in the making it encounters resistance 's ule and in this sense, Hegel was right when he says that the contradiction is the intimate nature of reality.
Heraclitus attributed to God coexisting conflicting characters of winter and summer, day and night, hunger-satiety.
The potential generated by these junctions is a reality that is becoming so in the form, rather the way of Being that esserizza.
Creation is not only infinite in extent, and all the extensions and variables that explain the many dimensions still unknown in the world can become a specific one, because it is infinite inexhaustible becoming of all in all .
Each particle is patient and synolon, map and design, road and path, bow and arrow for generating phenomena.
Silence is just a pause, the vacuum is only a range of fullness and the number is continuously extracted and the world is full of worlds, each world is thickening of worlds, as we pass through every point in endless lines; but on each point are infinite planes.
Infinity infinity is the lack of space, but is stable and the fullness of eternal Kora that receives the ideas and opportunities designed to reify.
The idea lurks in the press and matter. But the idea is the product of forces cronostoriche, spatial and spiritual.
Kora stands for undefined space in which plunges the idea to form the real things and it is therefore a potential possibility.
The world can not escape the binary logic since birth in the contest of ideas, stable and true, and matter in the broad sense.
material is derived from Mater.
I'm in and I can actually (and yet Shakespeare said "we are made of the same substance of which dreams are made"), after a phase of implantation and development, I come to ask the fundamental questions of orientation, the sequence homebrewing biopsychic ask "where" and "where to" immediately but I pose the deepest questions, "how" and especially "why".
Why is there all and not nothing? Why why?
However I flow as the subject and I expands, the ascending branch of my existential parable, combining abstract ideal and real experiences, and I feel under substantially change the world in the descending branch of the parabola that crosses the point of the analysis of mature things in the world to experience it with awe, I realize that every idea, every action of mine is a resistance of matter and phenomena that are misaligned with respect to my and will conclude the impossibility of everything.
In spiritual terms, to a phase of absolute trust nell'ultramondano to shape the world in which I am, going on a period of general fear of not being able to leverage any power to help change the course of events with the taking of act of an inevitable direction of change and finitude of each item.
These phases alternate intrafasi be heard as a sign of exhaust of emotions and feelings, but the cycle is that, for it puts stop by meditation, prayer, optimism and ' love, but only provides a solution with a final decision or tend as the irrevocable conversion modus vivendi and perseverance, that is the constancy of a high feeling directed to consider and implement the work to which he is called, the call articulated in the many gifts of individual differences.
The other possible is theorized that a bundle of possible (see ie, the ancient theorein ) is expected to pursue or flee, and, projecting into the body of fantastically real as possible in place and activating radiation logical in calculative thinking and / or visionary and imaginative tone, diversions and reverse, adduction, graft, influence, acceleration, gravitation, abstractions that can bend the line of becoming .
Ponder one of my other work, make another dream, I invoke an extraordinary event, it enhances the effects of a common share up to hope for change in the audience of architecture there and in the future.
The Big Y is possible that instead of being divided crunch and shaky shelling that the real and decompose the solid parts of a moment and leading to the explosion and the chronological order of the World 1, where the chemical physics reduces to a mere auxiliary motor advocated in no immediate petitum , the primary function of generator symbols and full of life as the sphere of all of that can as its narrative structure and revitalized.
In the dream, desires, fears, thoughts flooded with vivid truth emerge as the way to possible cosmogenic.
A wealth of colors and a well of symbols such as eggs hatch processing, and storage of ideas and delivering on new meaning and raising pillars and beams for a new order.
The melodies and laments as a stick in the sound recording filament dreamed possible and highlight the wonderful events or distress.
It produces a swing, a rocking swing for a continuation of that beginning in late as chemically diverse choice of neurons and axons is removed from a secure and predictable as extracts from viscous magma effort as possible always new possibilities.
This deposit of history will not be successful or subjective is the collection of possible potentials that are waiting to be!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Long Do Rosacea Pustules Last


falling like flies corrupt dictators in these frantic days of great change in Africa, historical epics of brave people defying death in the name of freedom. Certainly if the international community does not decide in haste to send aid, including military, to see the Libyan revolutionary criticism. Returning
all'Italietta, incidentally dictators are all friends of our little egoarca, missing only Putin list.
An old proverb says:
"Tell me and I'll tell you who you are ...

Meanwhile, the League, with the usual propaganda focused on fear, is already talk of a major emergency, invasion of refugees and its base more 'vulgar, on Radio Padania, insults i fleeing political persecution if they were human waste and not men ...

We are not surprised, that is the same league, just to pass an abortion of federalism, has sold and continues to sell off its dignity and Italy in this little man that many "Italian, not surprisingly mostly elderly, have voted and the media, even the left, have made the permanent center of the stage and television puppet of big brother. or the famous island. Despite all the
scandal, the serious crimes of which he is accused and misrule, the egoarca is still there, 'clinging to his chair, silent in the castle of the tireless advocates of confidence. Do you know that go to the polls this time is to lose. So on with the sale of new parliamentary laws ad personam against the judges, the central problem is not govern, heal the country, trying to solve Italy's problems, but reform of the justice, not him for the good of the Italians ... There's even some old
Italiot who still believe in this decade litany , The bales of a shameless and hypocritical regime of persononaggi that are sold now shamelessly.
Now there is even talk of restoring his parliamentary immunity. If the opposition were a bit 'more' specific, we will arrange permanent garrisons, demonstrations and other forms of strong protest against this degradation agonal unbearable, but everything after the great manifestaszione women, is silent, except for any action commendable Microomega . An 'then, that Italy remains captive one man, but also cowardly policies, corruption and lies everyday in addition to the more vulgar subculture media.
We hope that the African wind bring some 'courage here in Italy at this poor disaster.
For me, I just hope one day to wake up and feel like my ballerina dancing on the book of desires, the real, very genuine, with the joy of discovering with certainty that the twenty-year nightmare it is really finished.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Remove Mood Myspace 2010

Cake Cookies Wedding-wedding cookie

In this period I am creating various and WEDDING COOKIES so I decided to do a post that collects them all together.
'll update this post with cookies are always new because
........ ..... We can not you see in real time those who have chosen couples have not yet married!
So if you are interested do not forget to come back from time to time on this post.

.... Here they are perfect as a placeholder or as a gift courtesy of thanks to give to your guests!
are all customizable colors, decorations and the initials of the couple.

Let's start with mini mini wedding cake cookies exclusively from England, I find them delicious!

mini mini wedding cake with pink flowers

mini mini wedding cake with red roses

in their packs

total white mini mini wedding cake!

mini mini total white wedding dresses!

Here is a mini to mini wedding cake cookie biscuit wedding cake next to a standard ..... I put them so close you can see the proportions. I find them adorable!

and here are mini mini wedding cake!

biscuit wedding cake and wedding dress, sky blue and chocolate brown for a wedding refined and elegant!

a year in this black and white are the masters in the refined and sophisticated wedding and then could not miss a biscuit wedding cake in these tones!

needless to say that my pictures do not do justice to the beauty of these cookies!

Romantic ..... cookies Just Married mini wedding cake with two-dimensional, fully painted

some details
packed ....

These shaped wedding cake I have them in shades of pink roses decorated with small hearts and small ... they, too, very romantic!

These biscuits signed, however, I had been asked by a bride he had chosen as the theme of marriage and the jaws of course wanted something in keeping with its theme .. .. these seemed to me perfect!

cookie decorated red passion .... with initial

This cookie is instead a classic wedding cake, with real ice in the initial the couple hand-painted.

and then a classic American ... the cookie with the last initial of the new family!