Friday, March 4, 2011

Ps3 Hard Drive Loader

Godot and the political project of the Dictators Bersani

Waiting for Godot
Angelo Mazzoleni

Last night during the Annozero transmission, it was possible to understand something most of the political project of Bersani so far turned in the nebulae of the usual lack of communication. Not much really, but enough to play a bit 'better moves past the Democratic Party and make some considerations.
Let's start with what you've got it:
-PD has developed a program that will (still not clear when) to potential allies in a coalition antiberlusconiana.
-chi, in advance, will accept these points will go into coalition.
said so 'it would seem elementary and reasonable.
In fact, in my view, we start already on the wrong foot. A coalition in which all have equal dignity, and further interest in working in a good government should share, especially to participate and decide prior to the construction of a joint program. Moreover, this process is to be effective and democratic, should go through the active support of allies and citizens, in short, should be built from the bottom and not be decided and imposed from above by a few leaders ...

Bersani, apparently purports to require Vendola , Di Pietro, Casini and so his vision. already established from a container.
then all the unknowns remain about leadership and leading. In short you get the impression that, once again, the leaders of the Democratic Party that make chatting more facts ..
We saw in these years of bankruptcy and political speculations than the right and it now sees the absence of concrete, strong and above all decided to put this scheme with their backs to the wall. Coming back to the original, I am not that have been promoted organic meetings to discuss this with IDV Esel. I have not seen, as would be obvious and reasonable, round table discussions between the opposition leaders to establish common strategies in the short and long term.
The difference between a dream and a plan is that the dream (or chat abstract and inconclusive in this case) has no end, a serious political project, it should be good times and stages precise.
It seems that each one of the leaders left on his own trips waiting Godot-pd.
Had I been by Santoro, I tried to investigate these issues with some specific questions:
-do the primaries or not and when?
-what are the main contents of your program '?
-sponsored events because you do not have carpet or strong initiatives (resigned from parliament) after the case Bunga Bunga and the latest attacks Berlusconi's institutions?
-the fact of not having acted in this direction is not it proves that you do not have then a great desire to go to the polls and win?
-if not the primary when and who will choose the leader of your coalition?
Of course this is my personal opinion based on what we have seen .. I hope fervently that the rhinoceros sbagliare.e arrive before the train ...


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