Saturday, January 29, 2011

Where Can I Go In Michigan To Get A Brazilian Wax

Non-fiction as an instrument of electoral choice

If we wanted to reduce the evils of a general word Italian politics and politicians, I think we can use the term

fiction. An assumption would seem trivial in its obviousness, but in practice it is not so 'as I will try to highlight.

E 'known that almost all politicians do not feel and believe themselves to what they say, simply worded and consciously lies. Some people do it for money, some for propaganda, for those who defend their caste or another, by the way, almost everyone lies. They lie shamelessly and without dignity eg. the right to a defense impossible to Berlusconi, compared to facts that are before the eyes of all, lie old leader left in charge of a decade of Berlusconi. They lie when they say some representatives of the Democratic Party to oppose and want to win the election (otherwise not explained why despite the squalor and the polls today in favor of the opposition forces did not want to go there). They lie, making a concrete example, when say they want to collect 10 million signatures against Berlusconi, only to give the impression they are doing something. In this case also the ridicule expire ... at least build a credible lie what the heck ...

Out of irony, if an ordinary citizen reflect on this seemingly trivial undertaking, probably better to choose who to vote for elections to the benefit of the country. Learn to recognize who in fact provides means to identify and distinguish the honest and dishonest, to separate fact from fiction and to draw the consequences for a choice. Around the concept

fiction or lies, which often involve deception, selfishness, stealing, corruption in political practice, also rotate, as corollaries,

opposite values: honesty, selflessness, sense of common purpose and commitment:

essentially what should be the true philosophy of any good politician with passion, imagination and pragmatism in identifying the best solutions and more 'right to the problems. In addition to these values \u200b\u200bis an element, not least, the sense of justice.

Today we see that the worst of fiction and drama is instead dominated Italy in a policy of low alloy that can be defined as a lie and antivalues \u200b\u200bentered a system of government.

This is why Italy is in the quagmire that we can all see, but must also be said that the fault is not only of politicians, the media junk, the lack of real opposition, but is at the heart of many citizens that these vote for political interest, superficiality or lack of values.

Finished, I hope temporarily, the era of ideologies, it is now important to distinguish between honest and dishonest. Again, this seems an obvious assumption, but in practice does not happen. To be concrete, as an artist must also be that do? Meanwhile
I will mention a few without going into details:
right: Tobacco and Fine, partly perhaps Mouthpiece .. and Maroni.
left with clearly Vendola, Di Pietro Donati, De Magistris .. ; perhaps Serracchiani and Renzi.

In my previous articles I wrote a covenant desirable Vendola-Peter .. starting from other considerations, but also in the light of the reasoning here. course need another gift to a political race in a time like this: courage and determination .. this, lately I see a bit 'lacking even politicians better nominated. I say this because the right is causing the last war, or its counter-fuss kind of all die Samson and the Philistines ...
only that the temple is our poor Italy ....
It 's a war that the honest in this country can not lose.
That, along with the alliances and programs that I wrote on the blog, it is important that voters know how to discern and evaluate according to the value of non-fiction and concrete actions before deciding who to vote for.


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