Monday, January 31, 2011

Ring Finger Pain From Golf

contemporary artistic movements: "The new art syncretic"

Angelo Mazzoleni: "The Nonexistent Knight"


With this Manifesto, on the basis of the commonality of certain basic elements of our investigation poetic, we intend lay the foundations for a project to experiment with new artistic paths, through the foundation of the "new syncretic art": a research synthesis and processing of personal language of human history, both in a diachronic and synchronic, in key intercultural and ethnic , with the aim of creating a global and universal works.
We share the inner journey through time and history, past and present, between the different cultures of the world, to rediscover our origins and roots, and we intend to follow it in a more informed choice 'wider than what has already been made in the past.
As artists, we also have to make our contribution to a difficult initiative against cultural degradation, of '
art and conformism media in our globalized society ...

syncretic art, while placing the center of its dynamic operational experimentation and innovation, wants to pursue without preconceived or merchant, in a free, instinctive and thoughtful at the same time, a 'art' total 'and interior, based on the recovery of what is now' lost, due to some degeneration produced by a certain oligopolistic market: expressive values, symbols, ancestral problems of the contemporary world views from inside and universal-historical perspective. This' also means: a continuous dialogue between contemporary and the world of our origins and of the highest values \u200b\u200bexpressed by the story, so the discovery of a new humanism against the decadence of human values \u200b\u200band artistic products from a certain culture-media technology. We propose new forms of research based on the recovery of the concept of beauty and universality of the art transposed into the modern world.
We propose the return in a new way, a creative process, however, showing a man and his emotions at the center of opera, its core values, bringing art to the places that the competing houses, churches, old houses and so on., so that the works in time to accompany the lives of those who live. It is no use if, in addition to traditional materials that have the characteristic of being as much as possible "natural", "old", to tell a story or endless stories next to ours and that of those who preceded us.
We hope that our works are able to evoke the emotions, even the rediscovery of humanitas now partially lost, and can bring the viewer into the spring instinctual sources of being, our history and our present. L 'syncretic art can not be too much defined nor explained but only view through the continued evolution of our work as an ongoing dynamic process free-and encouraged us to be creative product and is therefore only one of the tracks passing through the group, a common frame of reference in which everyone can freely operate in continuous research into evolutionary new horizons and new trials.

BERGAMO 3-November-2004

The founders of the group-movement "Neosincretico: Angelo Mazzoleni, Marco Ceravolo, Thomas Cocco, Carlo Oberti, Alfonso Rocchi.


New groups and movements of contemporary art: the 'New Art syncretic'

Posted on 30/04/2009 In every age, there is a time to create and a time to destroy A time to act and a time to reflect, a time to judge and a time to listen.

"Iraq" period of syncretism contemporary

In every age, there are events that overwhelm the men and men who write history in an incessant becoming so nothing changes and nothing is ever the same, everything comes back in different forms and unrecognizable, distinct recollection and unconscious, ancestral memory of a common past that makes its way through the shadows of the subconscious. Thus, in cyclic gear of the time, art is moving without constraints, benign dispenser of divine beauty, light custodian of the secrets of the essence. In its universal language, constantly changing, there are many symbols, unlimited interpretive keys, but only one is the search for a higher meaning, in a seamless way in which the particular dissolves into a broader view of life , where ages overlap es'intrecciano, leaving old answers and new questions, where the innate human yearning to the sacred leads to a deeper level of wisdom.

It is the breath of the absolute which is found in the art of Angelo Mazzoleni, creator and co-founder of Group-Motion "Neosincretico" conceptual synthesis of different styles and techniques, from separate but similar ages and experiences in a creative process that looks beyond the boundaries of time and space, reaching the vital spark of the ego. But how does this movement, which seems to draw as much from art, the history and philosophy, proposing and revising concepts and theories, throwing open the doors of perception and knowledge? We ask the Master

Angelo Mazzoleni

, co-founder and author of the manifesto of the group. It seems incredible, almost a case of empathy or telepathy, but then again I did not know, the year before, in his book "Understanding art, "Stefano Zecchi spoke of the increasing spread of syncretic tendencies in contemporary art. In this book, I read only later, Zecchi defended the view, shared by me today, that these trends were linked mainly to the lack of new ideas and a certain confusion in certain contemporary artistic research.
"Years ago, in a letter published by Mondadori Stefano Zecchi on art, on the basis of my observation of accentuation of syncretic tendencies in contemporary art and of course in the light of my personal artistic research, I had already, anticipate briefly the reasons for my idea to form the art group of the "New Art syncretism".

The foundation of the "New Art syncretism" was born from the need, however, first to make a clear programmatic and this trend in contemporary art, but trying to develop the positive reasons background, coming from the ambiguity and contradiction rightly highlighted by ticks and of which we were aware, the other to conduct an experiment able to find new avenues of research trying to propose a new syncretic art, capable of going beyond the same idea syncretism of departure.
The comparison of the various artists of the group, even then, toghether with a similar type of experimentation, it was clear that one way to go further, avoiding the risk of confusing or rework of falling into mere imitation of the past, it was to retrace in a conscious way, by deepening the internal and the study of the arts and cultures over time. In other words, our philosophical and artistic intent was to give new depth and value to our feelings and our research exploring more deeply in the heart of the historical dimension and then reinterpret it in a completely new, given the reality of our present.

That 's what all of us, according to its sensitivity, experimenting with different paths and ways, tried to do in recent years. "

Beyond the impressions immediately provoked by such works as" Memoirs syncretic "or" Sacred Memories "living manifestation of the movement, where the lesson of Renaissance art communicates freely with the great avant-garde of the '900, not to mention its primitive origins, which are the main drivers of the project neosincretico, what are its philosophical underpinnings and, most importantly, how it interprets its founder?

"On the basic philosophy I have already partly answered above, I may add briefly that our art is syncretic substantially lower on a difficult search for cultural synthesis, historical and ethnic, which aims to produce a work of universal, strong to speak to our time.

Personally I have tried to develop my trial in the round, that is, exploring art, history and culture from the origins (primitive art) until today and then reinterpretala both inside and in the historical dimension through three experimental cycles: syncretism historical, contemporary and spiritual. As if to say, from past to future through the present. I would add that, from my experience I gained the conviction that, as long of a major reworking of the original of the past, it is possible to produce something new artistically and at the same time against the current of the confusion and contradictions produced today by a market system art.
I am convinced that this operation would not have been possible without building a bridge between past and present, working, as I said, "conscious choice", the arduous search for a synthesis and reconciliation of languages \u200b\u200bover time.



soul" stage of spiritual syncretism

In my latest works, beyond the aesthetic judgments that anyone can give, I hope to be successful in my attempt, flying over, or, Perhaps, entering the soul of the concept of syncretic departure creandoun my language that I hope will restore and evoke emotions in the present. "

So, after decades of apparent rejection of the past, the severing of ties with all that has already been said and written, the Group-Motion" Neosincretico "marks a ' turnaround, a sort of rehabilitation of the artistic tradition of every age, an awareness of the undeniable wealth of human experience, which is the inalienable heritage of all generations, for "those who forget their past are condemned to relive it. " Knowledge comes only from true freedom: it is this cathartic purpose is realized at neosincretica art, art with total and essential, intelligent and instinctive, for this is intended to travel through time and never be crushed.
Emanuela Dho, journalist.


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