Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Put Down A Floor On A Boat

C ' is really a better Italy?

"Death of a newborn hypothermia
in Bologna"
was the last son of a family forced by poverty to live on the street. His life has been extinguished and the indifference of the people isituzioni.
Of course the news was felt
up most of the media garbage that now reign in our country. Much more important to give space to Sallusti, Belpietro, Felt
and many others unknown to characters that now occupy the tv which are
the new icons.
, papers and various kinds of voyeurism, where the real problems soul and real people become secondary or are used to make listening and to produce the 'addiction to every villainy which helps the power
. Once there were bad teachers left, today seem to have been replaced by those on the right. I can not say whether it has done more damage to that or this culture of death. So only that, it should have been the real news of the day. Not for the fact itself ', almost daily dies homeless or migrant, but because covering a baby, seems even more tragic as an emblem of what has become Italy this decade. A opportunity for this senseless death could at least serve a collective reflection on its basic reasons. Personally I think, the exasperation of fear, false values \u200b\u200b myth of money and success, together with the global economic crisis, have off over time
many citizens awareness of themselves and others: a slow, gradual habituation to every injustice in an inner resigned passivity. The xenophobic campaign widely promoted by some political forces and examples at the highest levels of personal egotism emphasized by the media as if they were normal did the rest ....( continued)
I think that today we live in an Italy worst of subculture media largely due to inertia and Berlusconi complicit in the Italian left. Love, social solidarity, the pursuit of the common good and even mercy seem distant memories. The creative imagination is active and off together with the meaning of true freedom. Values \u200b\u200bpresent in maybe hypocritical words but absent and lost in the daily practice of living . I think today should start from this awareness to find , everyone in its sphere, the courage to react . The first act of courage would be to start to think independently and critically how to build a culture, a political change capable of giving real answers to
moral crisis, economic, for reducing social inequalities, corruption, recover intellectual honesty ;
against the hypocrisy of caste and regimes that now sit in parliament along with the media genuflecting to them. Exit from passivity and conformism in short, by voting against those few
honest marginalized who sit in parliament and, with the facts, have demonstrated their opposition to the decline of culture and democracy. To do this we need to be able to distinguish of the 'mud media that castes, especially the right, but also to the left, are spreading to make us believe we're all alike. is why the turnout today has no sense of resignation that the victory would avail this scheme.
Paraphrasing the book Vendola is also worth considering: but there is really an Italy better? The death of that baby seems to say no. Everyone is too wrapped up in himself, struggling with their fears and small daily dramas unable to lift over our eyes, to peer into the different eyes, to realize its despair and loneliness, to raise his head. Better to take refuge in the media spectacle of lights and soothing facial tissues, lots of fights television or in search of a leader rather than trying to be contacted in themselves the courage to get out. Yet there is an Italy simple of people who toil and work, harassed and oppressed by the regime of sharks, in a daily struggle, heroic, yet passive itself, as the mass of Chinese workers. E 'above
to be hoped that in their wake.
Yes, maybe he's right Vendola, there is generally a better Italy, is closed at the bottom of many us, obscured by fear and resignation liabilities, hidden behind the values forgotten that our fathers taught us better, there is a best possible Italy deep within us and is now increases finally his head.


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