Sunday, October 17, 2010

Brookstone Helicopter Troubles

The poem can be "healing"? A leaf


I feel in my room

an invisible companion.

Its presence is not confirmed

by gesture or word.

Nor should place him:

is best courtesy

the hospitable intuition of his company.

Presence is the only freedom that you take.

neither he nor I are betraying the pact of silence.

bored him it would be strange, as

if the monotony

knew the atoms of the large spatial world.

do not know if other homes in

enter, if you retain

or not, but by instinct

I know his name

and "immortality."


At this very moment, I seem to add any word after the splendid perfection of Emily's poetry is almost a desecration, but is of little aun 'time that I realize how, in some particular moments, I come spontaneously to mind the verses.
I started to put more attention to this recurrent situation, and I realized that the "type" of the verses is not random in the way he presented: it has a direct link with what is known as a living and, in some way, represents a kind of "cure" for food, sevogliamo a real "emergency exit".
Now I wonder: why not "use" (ugly word, but appropriate) poetry to help us in all those little, or perhaps not so small, existential battles?
E 'better Prozac, spinel or the couch of a psychoanalyst?
We can not choose (forse..) Challenges to be addressed, but surely we have the freedom to choose the means and, above all, the quality of the means by which afforntarle.

A poem that I feel very successful and that, surprisingly reconciled with the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath (which is, ultimately, a peace with the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath) is the following (a poet, Pessoa, in general feel very similar).

Death is the bend in the road,

die is just not being seen.

If I listen, I hear your footsteps

exist as I exist.

The earth is made of sky.

has not nest lies.

Never lost no one came.

Everything is truth and passage.

Fernando Pessoa


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