Sunday, January 3, 2010

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LUCIANO of Venia


the fall of the regimes of the people's democracies that were intended to transform the systems in Marxist political theory, I said that communism ceased, but was not and would not re-emerged as "the aspiration of peoples to equality economic and social "(Luciano Venia, 1991) although with different names and variations. In this instance history has occurred on several occasions such as with the story of Levellers British and the saga of the Paris Commune, but I also mention the many experiences aimed at generating idealistically perfect society: the contents of the "City of the Sun" of Campanella and the American anarchist community in New Armony.
Well if this idea of \u200b\u200bequality can be better designed and today ranks as the starting granted equal status to all (a cornerstone of democracy), with Rifkin would say "access" to opportunities (and here we fully recover the sense of American self-made man, the one who achieves success with their work and their skills, skills ) should declare that this sense of greater social justice, even if we omit to mention the third way tainted by totalitarian accents such as fascism or social doctrines of Catholicism deemed flawed by beliefs - and the elements of which date back to Populorum Progressio , the Rerum Novarum , the Centesimus Annus , the Laborem Exercens a series of papal encyclicals, most recently Caritas in Veritate Benedict XVI which deal with labor rights, the functioning of ' enterprise, the function social ownership, workers' rights and their participation in the company up to tap the equity, subsidiarity, the new rights - it is easy to retrieve a concept from other science to investigate this aspect. The physicist Pierre Lecomte du Nouy telefinalismo adopted the term to indicate the ability of living organisms to act intentionally contrasting the second law of thermodynamics (see Luciano Venia - The Pope, the Cloud, Entropy, 2002).
The issue is the preservation of the foundations of the state and this ability to expand, to develop, to improve the standard of life of members; to influence culturally, technologically or financially geopolitical area, to maintain the availability of private capital and to have gold reserves and financial resources to cope with the demand for investment and current spending, and continues to have increasing availability of energy and even tend to self-sufficiency, water, food and consumer goods to guard the borders and to provide power to the supranational peacekeeping missions in order to confirm its strategic role, to hold harmless and operating infrastructure and indeed multiply, and defend the fundamental interests in the face of galvanic currents of time and history, waves of social movements, on the basis of the occurrence social and political impact of the waves of nihilism that hinges on the philosophy and "constitutional" system, on the lintels of the convergence of popular articles which relate to the disconnection of the masses by the tacit agreement-delegation which assign or deliver to a class given the political direction and the helm of the strategic decision, especially with regard to the safeguards laid down in civil and criminal law, the hegemonic values, a listing of income, the purchasing power of money, the enjoyment of goods and services, access to higher grades in social scale and their mechanism of mobility.
Given an order, the same physiology and effects of mere policy life of a disposal system of quality and identity that is continuously regenerated by using a budget surplus of belief and cohesion that comes from the parallel representation of legal knowledge and technical rooms and the revitalization of policies by renewing their components.
The function of reproduction and bedding knowledge is delegated to the community of scholars who compile and update the manual on which they are indoctrinated and calls to improve the current ruling class and elites in supernumerary available that, if crisis of the system or to restore the paintings and bureaucratic rulers worn or worn out by the management crisis are recruited or co-opted to end up incorporated in the sense Michels, managing a large part but not complete, the basic needs of the state machine. Only the ruling class to stay in a number of years and the appropriate level of qualification or possession of a functional requirement of compatibility with the strategic interests and the basic rules or ideas mythical system or rather the gradual and tested access to an extensive number key of interpretation and a series of effective levers to move the state to enable climbing to the top of Res Publica. Below is guaranteed and the fluctuation within certain limits, free, and is restricted and supervised in the higher grades of the system. This setting is moreover, the same while changing the name or motivation from Athens to Rome and in all historical systems, however they define or are perceived, which is going to defend the power of Romulea walls that hold the sacred flame of sovereignty.
Entropy If we accept the definition of a measure of disorder of a system is evident in the advancement of time that each system will see an increase of entropy.
The State is the proper means of regenerative integrity of a social system and uses many tools to instantly repair the parts or put them in line with technological progress and scientific and cultural drawing on a repository of values \u200b\u200band formulas, algorithms and procedures, beliefs and principles that represent the connection between the concrete pillars in the psychological and physical Res Publica adapting the network and the state agency innovations and indeed predispose to anticipate and estimate the led innovation or even governments have the same remedies modulating entropic process and resources to maintain or around the excellent support the amount of litter generated by the system.
But in terms of politics and legal standpoint, the concept of natural law or natural law, he wants that on a theoretical level, before the positive law is a set of rules eternal and immutable, indeed, a series of first principles, general, still valid that guide the production of positive rules in different jurisdictions. For the religious roots of these principles lies in the sacred texts, while they lay hypostasis of reason, justice, equity, the measure and harmony. Now if the Gabrielli hypostasis is precisely "what is, still remains beyond the flow of phenomena, or the substance, the very nature of things " we can go back thousands of years ago and find a real confirmation of this aspiration of social justice and social order. It 's simple to quote the great reform of Urukagina, Ensi (legislator or chief) of Lagash in Mesopotamia that by correcting the previous rules to shelter orphans and widows and pushed the fight against arrogance and abuse of predation.
More than an archaic socialism here is a clear structure of welfare state that leaving each diversity of roles and functions, and also to stimulate competition and work, work for the protection and preservation of the common good and harmony, that is, the orderly life of the city, a reorganization of distribution on a humanitarian basis solidarity and equalization and balancing the weaker classes.
The Real Man then already about 5000 years ago believed the key to the State and its Government and Law, in order to restore the essential conditions of dignity for every individual, even if the more vulnerable and exposed to the yearnings and the abuses of the powerful and the rich.
In addition, these principles of tradition, so I like to define, operate largely within a location, so call the works of art that issue and show a life of its own meaning in the hermeneutic sense, ie as a text that is revitalized the interpretative task of the player - and as mention here Ernst Junger extraordinary intellectual and thinker when he reminds us that we can be fine only "players" in the world rather than actors, even if we act as agents for each of us to be just, man real man completely deployed, fully realized man - a place I said, who became a warning and a guiding star for all of the idealists and revolutionaries in the sign and the end of their turn against the hegemony or domination or injustice , measured in relation to the principles of natural law: Sophocles' Antigone.
Now, however, to not leave it hanging, I want to resolve this apparent antinomy of vitality and a straightforward reading of the world, how? We need to survive, we must fight, we must compete Epper can only be readers of the world?
are two truths as opposed to using words of a saint, those of Mother Teresa of Calcutta "We are only a drop in the ocean, but if that drop was missing the ocean would lack something .
In addition, at the conclusion of this reasoning, biology, politics and even to connect a further reflection of Junger is an explicit maxim: "To live is to restate its shape. In this sense, the die is extreme action. "And yet Heidegger says that Man is a being for death. But only because of its fullness over and I lived and then full deployment and dynamic existence of the real man.
But if the decree Mesopotamian Urukagina in the land of Lagash not far from Uruk we felt it was a fact around which we have carried out an extensive and intensive work of interpretation, this is precisely the tragedy of Sophocles to emphasize the significance of a natural law. In the second episode of the first stasimon and referring to the lack of burial of Antigone's brother ruled by the tyrant of Thebes, and to which Antigone rebels providing herself to bury the body otherwise exposed to the agony of birds, Creon asks: "And you tell me, without beating, in brief: did you know that my order had been forbidden to do so? Antigone replies:" I knew it. How could I not know? It was public notice. "And Creon:" And you dared to transgress my law equally? "Antigone clear, in a final:" I came from Zeus thy law, nor justice that coexists with the gods of the underground had set for the death. Nor do I believe that your orders could have so much strength from the repeal of the unwritten laws of the gods, those laws that not only today or yesterday, but live forever and nobody knows when it appeared. "Earlier, Sophocles makes another play to the choir argument by referring to the man: "If harmony with the laws of his land and sworn to justice the gods sit high in the city, but if you stain of evil deeds and shameless audacity, even part of the city. Never will the diner, I never mind the same way with those acts. "(Trad. it. Cacciari M., Einaudi, 2007).
Other recurring themes in Greek tragedy are thus introduced by this proclamation as For example, the theme of arrogance or hubris (abuse of power, going beyond the measure seen as vulnus the integrity and sacredness of the system, not only in the political sense as cohesion and civic order, but as a necessary harmony of the universe that holds the symbolic and cultural state) is the power of man as that, and then justify a sanction as a means to restore order broken by unnatural and criminal behavior so to speak, the individual who pulls the plot of the real harmonic and sweet. This order - I want to finish quoting Heraclitus - that is the same for all the things he did none of the gods nor men, but it was always and is and will forever live fire, which according to size and measure turns itself off.
But the novelty here is that this natural law or this measure, this necessity of the operation of the eternal world escapes the government of men and gods. This fragment of Heraclitus that being maimed and then a context can be manipulated. And if the first exceeds Antigone in the allocation of this deities legificazione, so an indefinite naturalism leaves open the door to any state a limited response to evidence the existence of a kind of constant that translates into customs and rules in the field of human the standards of conduct. And here it's nice to remember that at some point these principles, different but converging in different cultures request an accommodation, as well as a coding example, to give certainty to the law, decemviri of ancient Rome had to present a summary of mos maiorum codifying those precepts in the Twelve Tables written in 450 BC


Every man belongs to his generation, his time, and therein, lies the first full meaning of reality, understood here as being located in a space-time defined, incorporated into a culture, a world-space, a trajectory in its existence with a horizon of possibilities while remaining himself, the authentic man the custodian of an autonomy and freedom in being. This real Being is the foundation of the real man.

The individual in becoming known and realized, unfolds tending to its fullness through the life experience weaving multiple and multifaceted relations and building a set of intentions and actions that are directed to a idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and phenomena.

Man is so busy gushing water and flows, and thus seeks his own bed in the land of origin occupying the container meets the instrumental existential path to take the form given.

He is plastic in incorporating the natural and social footprint in order to conform to the model, the schema, the law that governs the age and social organization or to tune and synchronize the concert of forces holding its physical environment with its cycles and its selections.

Its latency is already a possible power nell'orbitare around the options provided by its field and is therefore psychic capital available for processing more of a real or hermeneutics of experience and experiment .


L ' man if it becomes, but it becomes as it is.

The rigidity of their beliefs in comparison with scientific claims and fluctuates with the cultural hegemony and vibrates to a configuration that, as an elastic membrane is of his own conscience, impose a duty to be consistent and standardized, ie the generation-incubation of a conservation-education-which I call the mind and memory to act and outlined a long-wave path, with no side exits and only intended to reach a goal predetermined and sacralization.

A sacred way approved, recommended, selected and indicated by the doers of bridges with the technique and power. And what is the power except that of the possession and use of money and the custody, use and transmission of knowledge? Everything follows from these two areas of domination.

Man channeled so conditioned and working on adjusting his psyche himself to the will of social marginalization and stored or secreted, or removes or destroys its essence and its priorities, leaving out the chants and instead casts that can incorporate the applause of those who applaud him, by function, type or fungibility of people and goods, ideas and problems, hypotheses and theses.

This nexus of forces that lead the individual has been the typical diving suit that dictatorships have forcefully made the man wear free root canal and relegating him to a soul while illuminated by fog false theories and illusory promises.

The man dipped in formaldehyde remained suspended in the rare luminescence able to penetrate the fog and rarely took a few solar flare, some flash energy of lightning or some torch of pure light that can lighten or internally illuminated or highlight the surface without blinding her sight tenuous and fragile.

Sometimes it comes with glasses that have distorted perception of things and has ended up aggravating rather than solving the plight and suffering individual and group which wanted to free themselves, perhaps bringing down a dictatorship and replacing it with one of violence and injustice far worse.

establish a new dictatorship of the proletariat in place of the bourgeois technocratic or no changes in the key of power, if not the theoretical status, while the practice remains constant if the power is not as technical assumptions of value, but the same result, works for goals and results for feeding of Econometrics estimates, quantification of output and consumption, measuring cohesion and discomfort by preventing the shock of the crushing of the order with the order of fragmentation.


Hit by a constant precipitation of information reaching it as a vigorous and dense radiation to the way of a continuous rain of asteroids around distant planets with no atmosphere, the individual is forced to billion stimuli per second process for selecting importance or relevance and lists a small part and then absorb the remainder largely unconscious. And there they are operating or being inert sprout in processing symbolic and dream-like or otherwise acting in brain areas and stages of the mind when there is still much to discover and re-emerging as a mighty underground river after a long and sometimes violent period.

Just this data to demonstrate the radical difference in our lives than before, although, as correctly stated in Pareto and in an absolute sense, "man does not change in depth."
This multiplicity of stimuli undergoes a gradual acceleration of the evolution of technique and technology, inventing devices and applications, to incorporate into more sophisticated and intelligent machines that sort the history of that organization and civil drag the man ever faster in the plant that sorts and it has.
Ergo, I wonder who called for meditation and the pre-Socratic philosophy with their poems yet to understand or interpret more fully - since the start never ceases to provoke thought, even when it seems firmly and finally settling at a gain of half or a concept, thereby demonstrating the powerful ideas of the perfect move-on because it is caused by all that there is, instead of nothing ("Why, in general, non existent and nothing ? "which Heidegger calls the fundamental question) and aims to scrutinize not only the architecture of hard and the myriad of stars and celestial bodies with their mysterious phenomena on which we can not say a single word, but the wonderful creation of our planet.
And to contemplate "the panoply of microbes, fungi, plants and animals that now surrounds the earth as a multi-button web of life." as defined by Christian de Duve.
Now that other webs of cables, antennas and tubes and garnish surmount the geoid and distribute to all continents and energy information, the man is called to stir the stalemate and the environmental niche and to be truly national the world.
pervades the global effective tirelessly and exposes a thousand conditions, for which other books have alarmed and with whom he refers to a reading of the risks and problems, but briefly we can say that that human societies have become static to dynamic, and that is constantly moving and swirling towards ever higher targets and indicators, such as athlete's high jump, placing the bar higher and higher to achieve a new record, the record that in turn refers to the concept of registration of establishment undoubtedly an event that changes and outline the catalog and the ranking of values \u200b\u200band value.
therefore arises in this process of magma ascent spiral toward new records and new events, even transcending the usual configuration of the company the essential problem of cohesion, but also that of identity in the now majestic flow of cultures that meet and combine by exchanging customs, arts and techniques.
The preservation of culture, preservation of identity, the promotion of fundamental values \u200b\u200bare primarily concerned with the complex heavy nucleus that lies at the heart of a decentralized government system, in order to allow the operation of a mechanism, so to speak of biology policy, aimed at the survival of the organism, and indeed its growth in every direction, its development, the achievement of the goals forming the basis of its domestic law to economic growth and welfare within its Community context, the extension of the sphere of influence and to strengthen its borders and its defense forces and the ability cultural and instrumental in the supranational context, and finally to replicate itself, to export your model of equipment and principles of collective leadership in other formats and in other places to open up new opportunities and maximize their profit or secure supplies of energy , water, food and consumer goods.


The story happens while you sail usual, even if and when it has never experienced peaks of roughness, rapid blasts of balance, sense of contradictions, sequences and apparently unprecedented obsolete.

This veiling is well and even when the fact echoes other epochal moments but is denied a full vision of real diving or letting the water reach of logic, the resemblance to another time and simplistically reductively is interpreted as analogous.

This deviation from expectations and hopes, the new fact , rises in the forecast as a seed to bloom and special blends so chameleon in the manner of a chronicle ordinary ordinary extraordinary offering and then released as a retail and bulk, as a collection of collections of unusual objects and spurious excesses of asymmetric connections, redundancy and reflections theories and practices ultrasviluppate problems or a truncated analysis, inexhaustible, Plot and diachronic relation to ' adveniente instrument that is not and has no tools to understand, just as the hermeneutic code is archaic and outdated, and that is arid and concluded veteroprodotto in-one able to see and explain a complex symbolic neoformatosi with the emergence of concepts and patterns, shapes and forms, reports and records within a fisis disclosed as an arena in which the container vessel and are things and men, and another alien world that is not what it generates as a language of thought was spent on -which was designed and where they were in function and computational causal-descriptive.

The new fact lies to the contrary as a dynamic foreign to the previous year - but not just as a causal antecedent - but as stormy set of phenomena and phenomenological frequencies that are framed for imprinting a polygonal shape with more sides de facto carriers of opposing forces, competitors and produce a result that a complex synthesis.

The event happens is countable and analyzed extreme of its own deployment as a projection based on a local time and animated that is functional and working as a noose that is made active, dynamic and progressive and its realization in the current inflationary being in becoming releasing full power in contemplation of open nth degree of freedom such as to lead to a telos never contradictory to the its luster comprising the sequence and the dosage, calibration el'attimo, powers and the lock can .

This summary is the direction of the overall process in that macroquadro.

The Event eventua as possible and where possible joins, ether and spinal fluid, solid and Idea, abstract and concrete path to becoming the contrivance curve in the trajectory path. There are being and becoming, change and stability that come forth and vibrate, and jump off, pulse and that there are and remain dimensionally and essentially at the instant of transformation cairologico adiabatic, then the historical moment when it opens, and opens a hole in the impenetrable veil of Enigma, web gelatinosa of the unknown, arising from that anything that obstructs the view of the phenomena. The nothingness of nothing and nothingness total denial that everything contains everything in power, and follow each alternate between full and empty, concession and flight, with only the presence and absence setting the stage for the binary codes fisis .

Resume phases and moments when the hypostasis are perceived and are reflected, turning and transforming them into recognizing existents Enneads [1] help make money, but im not so direct and automatic but slow, latent as Plato said, a fire is lit in a manner and time that philosophical break into the spiritual life of poverty project understanding of a framework used for the generative process.

in the snapshot all the rest in the silent symphony sound like this before logical divisions and conflagrations warp material placed gently and powerfully nell'alveo icy array of events, the withering of the furnace can which takes the shape and force of lightning that Heraclitus recognized to be at the helm of the universe [2] .

The infinite variability of the decision is the range of powers along the ordinate scale of the opportunity of being.

World is the substance which can be allocated and becomes as a framework and structure of the event which welcomes / funds / spreads / pours out ideas and develop true underlying logic of the equation describing This concert of forces and energies, reality and future (the concrete possibilities and been fully deployed) as a theory and a sequence, the system and generating equipment.

The World hologram and is sowing, the sower and sown, sowing and harvesting, product manufacturing, manufacturer and produces.

World is hermeneutic that reads and understands the parts of themselves, links, relationships and the global and the local entities and phenomena, appearances and music, mathematics and chemistry, physics and culture reciprocally connected to art (everything from the extraction of the shape and concept, investigating and inventing - in the sense of finding - perhaps unconsciously wanted after and searched for - telling a plot and building it again in his writing at the time of reconstructive storage and playback, the time course ranging and thickening, widening, not only for expansion but for the explosion of its logical and physical constraints, making it a time when persistent, solid and memorable, observable and measurable, this is projected in two versions developed by the unconscious to feel located within the bounds of reason.

-time creative moment that the will be implemented and completed, in whole, in the absence or abundance and adding or subtracting meaning and significance from the perspective of synchronic and diachronic time logicizzato and marked by symbols arranged on a continuum divided and divisor.

Matter causal and causing output by the disintegration of the limitations of the previous balance understood as the current mode of development of the project-in-the world supports in the form of columns and beams, portal and mirror, arches, and base support, elevation and height, roundness and broken line - as well as lightness and strength, power and stasis, motion and flash - The fullness of the whole world and is explicitly scaffold celantesi veiled behind the breeze that becomes intoxicated with greed impetuous wave, hurricane roar and burst of energy and re-vitalizing existing-radical-originated.

suspended and the veil of mystery of the unspeakable, embryos of the same genesis of being and the cosmic root of the highest beauty and perfection to the primordial mixture and jellies that float and act the parts infinitesimal completely.

[1] See Plotinus - Enneads - Bur

[2] See Heraclitus - Fragments - Mondadori;


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