Saturday, January 9, 2010

Remington 870 Digital White



of LUCIANO Venia

Henri Bergson deconstructs the rational balance resulting from an omnidirectional Cartesianism aggravated by positivism and by an orientation and extreme computational thinking at the root and the configuration of the world fluxion which regulates the rise and should be considered in full light field of research and meditation that is new and old.

He does not just run of shooting snapshots still be able to give values, measurements, levels and degrees that is a burden and a quantity, number, or numbers Handling and when aggregated into a suppository homogeneity to some functional or assessed eligibility and calculation interpolation since these estimates can not return the contents of the identity of the real flow and genuine state of mind, the infinite variability in the making or existents and therefore this will numbering and explanation baseless lose infinite density and quality of life, daily and real existence of its deepest meaning, it lacks the real essence of the actual length of life of that time.

"The line that is measured is stationary, time and mobility. The line is fully accomplished, the time is what we do and also what makes everything you do. The measurement of time is never intended as the length of duration; is counted only a certain number of extremities of intervals or moments, that is, ultimately, virtual stops time. "

Bergson argues that it seems that the human intellect is constitutionally committed to circumvent, to conceal the duration, in both movement and in the change, to deflect attention from the transition. Everything still points to be reduced so that the time has drawn on a line divided into equal segments, and so each state of a phenomenon is represented as a point at which it happens and then still another one in order to provide a graphic testimony of the change. But in real life is a real one which all proceeds from the past is the present day and goes well with different quality "interiors" and demonstrations, or dissimilar that no rows will be able to reveal.

What comes out of this approach is not time but a surrogate that is easy to use in computing and language, but that is a simulacrum of the real, its conventional translation is fictitious, is not that simplistic abstraction captures the essence, but that still does not know the logic of the orbit an overview of the areas hailed as linear and therefore like spaceship that takes the eye away from the curvature of the planet just can not take the variety of the world is basking in the world to draw the line on one page outline of appearance external and credible so that eventually even the figure will be fully assimilated, but its appearance and the geoid with the polarities will be crushed rather looked like a perfect sphere ... and so for all things!

The same can be said to be discussing the changing of states, the prevailing logic translates them as snapshots photographed in succession that a condition then the other without question and without going into the continuous flow which is the actual content of the phenomenon that is the thing that is or becomes.

These approaches have led since the ancient people and cultures to see artificiality, conventions, shadows on the cave wall and mistakenly consider them truth while they are only infinitesimal parts, partial and insufficient, which is the true units become fluent in .

Looking at the world and everything in this new key you will see how life is a continuous creation, a beginning non-stop again.

Life then is not a film consisting of a series of images placed in sequence that do not change meaning whatever the projection speed and that is progress, but rather is a unit that is continually enhanced by new things so that the agency itself can not be static choice between two alternatives already given but among a wider range of possibilities that arise and vary infinitely. Bergson still: "Try, in fact to represent you today you will take action tomorrow, even though you know that you do. Your imagination evokes perhaps the movement can do: but what we think and try running it can not know anything today, because your state of mind tomorrow will include all the life that you lived up to that moment with, in addition, what will add the particular moment. " (H. Bergson - Thought and Movement - Bompiani).

There is a gulf between one life therefore considered as an evolution in which every element is the entire increase in meaning and continuity are intertwined and a course where the parties are seen as static so that the sequences speed and mode of vision, of withdrawal, of course, the projection of this film will change anything.

In a true real evolution it also applies to small mutations can change everything, change internally and also in relation to acceleration or deceleration so that the leads not being in a different context ...

short stages in which they show the world the contemporary historical consciousness. They can not be photographed and these snapshots are easy to claim to describe and understand the world or a single phenomenon. The rest must wait to drink fresh water that the sugar is melted and to make this work requires a time t that the photo of a moment can not know.

Thus the term generates not only reality but an infinite number of possibilities. Work of art one could argue that it pre-exists as an idea but the implementation when the painter or the composer inventing have de facto made and therefore it can not be thought to consist of first . "Increasingly, however, the conviction persists that even if a state has not been designed to occur first, he could be, and in this sense it represents eternity, the state can, in some real or virtual intelligence. Exploring this illusion, we would regard the very essence of our intelligence. Things and events are being produced at specified times that the court finds that the appearance of the event is necessarily the thing or the next, therefore, has given her a true statement ... However we attribute such a retroactive effect, or rather , gives it a retrograde movement. As if a case had been pre-exist in terms that make it up! As if these terms were not dated by the appearance of objects that represent! As if the thing and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe thing, its reality and its possibilities, when it is a truly new form, invented by art or nature, were not created at the same instant "(H. Bergson - Thought and Movement - Bompiani)

" The event capital of modern times was that of democracy. The fact that if they are the warning signs in the past, as has been described by his contemporaries, it is undeniable, but perhaps the most interesting signs were not recognized by them, if they did not know that humanity already done that direction. The direction of the path, moreover, was not then more pronounced than another, or rather did not exist, having been created by the same route, I mean the forward movement of the men who designed and built gradually to democracy. The warning signs are, therefore, only those in our eyes, to the extent that we know the path, as has already been made. Neither the location nor the direction of, nor therefore its point of arrival were given when these facts were produced. So these facts were not dreams. " (H. Bergson - Thought and Movement - Bompiani). And: "We pass on to future generations what interests us, what draws our attention and even considered in the light of our past performance, but not what the future will be made for them interesting by creating a new interest, through a new directional to their attention. "Then again Bergson explains:" If our logic rejects the past as possible, that arises from the reality in the present, it is because he does not want admit that something arises, that something is created, that the time is effective. In one form or a new quality, it does not see that a readjustment of the old, absolutely nothing new. Each variety is resolved in such a defined number of units. Such logic does not accept the idea of \u200b\u200bmultiple blurred and also the undivided purely intensive or qualitative, which, it being what it is, understood indefinitely increasing the number of elements, as they appeared in the world new points of view as it may. "


" There are many philosophers who have felt the helplessness of conceptual thought to draw the bottom of the spirit. Many, therefore, those who spoke of a faculty of intuition sovraintellettuale. But because they believed that intelligence operate over time, have concluded that beyond the intelligence consisted in leaving by time. Do they not see that the time is intellectualized space, that intelligence work the ghost of its duration, but not on the same time, the elimination time the act is usual, normal, trivial of our understanding that the relativity of our knowledge of the spirit is precisely from there, and then move dall'intellezione the vision, from its absolute, no need to exit the time (we are already out) must, on the contrary, resume duration and take place in the new reality in which mobility is the essence. An intuition that claims to carry themselves with a jump nell'intellettuale remains eternal. Concepts that provides the intelligence, it simply replaces a unique concept that summarizes them all, and consequently is the same, to give it any name: Substance , the ego, the Idea, Will.

The intuition of the inner life it will then directly without the mediation of language and space. "But the material universe as a whole, is to wait for your conscience: he waits. Or hard, or is integral to our life. To be linked to the spirit for its origin or its function, in either case, the material universe depends on intuition for anything that has to change and actual movement. ... In short, the change in pure, real life, is what imbued with spiritual or spirituality. Intuition is what it touches the spirit, life, change pure.

"But there is a fundamental aim: to think intuitively is to think in terms of duration. The intelligence part usually from immobility and rebuilding, for better or worse, the movement with the stillness juxtaposed. The intuition part of the movement, puts it, or rather perceives as reality itself and sees only an abstract moment in stillness, a snapshot taken from our spirit up mobility. Intelligence is usually given a few things, meaning things stable, and does change a damn thing you would add more. Intuition is essential for the change: what to do, as understood intelligence, is a cut and erected in the middle of becoming a substitute for the whole of our mind. The thought is usually the new as a new organization of existing elements, nothing is lost, nothing is created. Intuition, tied to a length that is growing, receives instead an unbroken continuity of unpredictable novelty, it sees and knows that the spirit takes himself more than he, that spirituality is precisely in this, and that reality, imbued with spirit, creating

"Our intelligence is an extension of our senses. Before philosophizing, one must live and life requires that we draw profit from the material, and with our bodies, which are natural tools, and with the proper tools, which are artificial organs. Long before there was a philosophy and a science, the role of intelligence was already one of make tools and to guide the action of our bodies on bodies surrounding

"Patterns of intelligence have a certain elasticity, its outlines some flexibility, and his indecision is what allows her to apply to a certain extent to the things of the spirit. Matter and spirit are a common side, as some shock surface of the material are expressed in our mind, superficially, in the form of feelings, and conversely the spirit, to act on the body, must descend from grade to grade towards the subject and spatialized "

Intuition will be communicated to the rest only atrtraverso intelligence. The intuition is that idea and yet, transmitted, must ride of ideas "

" The truth is that existence can only be given in experience. The experience will be called vision or touch, external perception in general, if it is a material object and take the name of intuition when it will cover only the spirit

"Life acts as if he had some general ideas , those of genus and species, as if it were to follow the A limited number of structure plans, as if he had established the general properties of life, finally and above all as if he wanted to double the effect of inheritance (for that which is innate) and the transformation more or less slow, have the living in hierarchical set along a scale where the similarities between individuals are always more numerous to the extent that one rises higher. "

" From the moment we felt intuitively true, our intelligence is shaken, it corrects its error formula intellectually. He received the suggestion and put ina tto control. As the diver goes to research, on the seabed, the wreck reported that the airman's top flight, so intelligence, half immersed in the conceptual point after check point, contact, analytically, what was already the subject of a synthetic vision and sovraintellettuale "

" The psychological analysis alone had shown us, in memory, levels of awareness following: starting from the "dream plan", the largest of all, in which is placed, as on base of a pyramid, all the past of a person, up to the level comparable to the top, where the memory is not that the perception current with the prolonged action arising.

"Now, what is the primary function of language? E ' to establish a communication with a view to cooperation. The language of forward orders or warnings. Describes and prescribes. In the first case is a call to immediate action, the second is the reporting of it, or any of its properties for future action.

"dialectic" means both dialogue and distribution

(the philosopher) is ... put the question to what extent we must be advised to human societies, from time to time, the special appearance that stability or change pure and simple. His analysis of the changing leaves this question untouched. For that there is little common sense, he deems necessary, as all others, a certain permanence of what it is. He will say that the institutions must provide a relatively invariable diversity and mobility of individual designs and perhaps better understand the role of these other institutions. Do not keep them, in the domain of action, with the imperatives, the work of stabilization that make sense and intellect in domain knowledge when condensed matter fluctuations in perceptions and concepts in the flow of things? Without a doubt, within the narrow framework of institutions, supported by the same stiffness, the company evolves. Similarly, the duty of the statesman is to follow these changes and change the setting when there is still time. Out of the ten political errors, nine still true is simply to believe what he has ceased to be. But the tenth, which will be more severe, will be to no longer believe that true but it still is. In a general sense, the action requires a solid foothold, and being essentially living tends effective action. 'S why we've seen in a stabilization of things, the primary function of consciousness. Installed on the universal mobility, say, consciousness shrinks in an almost instantaneous immensely long a story that takes place outside of it. The higher the consciousness, the stronger the tension of his life than of things. "(H. Bergson - Thought and Movement - Bompiani).

I - There is an external reality, and yet given immediately to our spirit. Common sense is right on this point, against idealism and realism of the philosophers.

II - This reality is mobility. There are no things done, but only things you do, do not states that are preserved, but only states that change. The peace that is never apparent, or rather relative. The consciousness that we have our own person in its continuous flow, introduces us into the reality on which model we represent the other. Every reality, so it's a trend, if we agree a change in trend of calling nascent .

III - Our spirit, which seeks solid points of support, has as its main function, in the ordinary course of life, to represent been and things. It shall, from time to time, almost instantaneous views of the real mobility undivided. It gets so feelings and ideas , replacing the continuous the discontinuous, mobility, stability, the tendency in the process of changing the fixed points that mark a direction of change and trend ... Our intelligence when following its natural bent, proceeds by solid perceptions on the one hand, and other stable conceptions: part from immobility and not designed and does not reflect the movement if not in terms of immobility, is installed in the concepts already made and will endeavor to take such a network, something of the reality that passes ...

IV ... it is understandable that fixed concepts can be extracted by our thought from the Mobile, but there is no way to reconstruct the fixity of the concepts of real mobility.

VI - But the truth is that our spirit can follow the reverse path. It may run in in the Mobile, to adopt the constantly changing direction, grasp it, in fact, intuitive.

same river we enter and we do not go, and we're not (Heraclitus, fragment 16)

is separated and again assembles, and rises and fails, is approaching and leaves (Heraclitus, fragment 17)

not to me but by listening to the speech, it is wise to say that all things are one. (Heraclitus, fragment 6)

So you have to follow what is common: Speech is common, but most live as each having their own mind (Heraclitus, fragment 7)

For the destination and the world is a common, but when they sleep, they turn to each his own. (Heraclitus, fragment 9).

I are sleeping and co-workers of world events. (Heraclitus, fragment 119

Connections: whole and entire, convergent divergent, consonant dissonant: and all things one and from one all things. (Heraclitus, fragment 19

Immortal mortals, mortal immortals: the death of those living, dying life of those.

(Heraclitus, farmmento 21)

The same thing is the living and the dead, waking and sleeping, young and old: these are changing and they surpass those those returning to these (Heraclitus, fragment 22)

circle in the beginning and end are one. (Heraclitus, fragment 30)

The way up and way down are one and the same (Heraclitus, fragment 319.

Time is a child playing with the pieces on a chessboard: a child is the kingdom (Heraclitus, fragment 48)

The river is the same as they enter but still others are the waters that flow to them, and even the souls of water evaporation. (Heraclitus, fragment 52).


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