Thursday, February 4, 2010

Straightners Sold At Jcpenny Salon

policy dossiers and blackmail of the scheme.

addition to moral and cultural degradation, one of the most deleterious of the current policy, I think ; is detectable in a squalid practice of
dossieraggio and blackmail on which it is necessary to focus. It 's a neglected aspect in the media but that would explain very well the reasons for certain changes or acquiescence and turnaround field are seeing in these days and that affect or are concerned
also a part of the left. Of course you do not have evidence
of these deleterious behaviors

and dark where there's probably support part of a secret service but analyzing past and present certain facts with logic and reasoning you can ask least some concerns and have some suspicion. Some concrete examples: the recent sudden change of opinion of Barbary , inertia and passivity of certain vertices of Pd compared to the rise of Berlusconi of Berlusconi, but I could mention many others. Blame the venality of the individual parliamentary or sale if the government failed to to pass on his side many people who first fought on for different parties? Guilt lack of ideas and determination if we had virtually no opposition from some leaders pd over the years? I think not. Moreover, the history striking attacks to Boffo and Fini and dossieraggi against speak alone. How to explain Finally, a Barbary until yesterday convinced and enthusiastic supporter of Fini, seems change opinion today after a meeting with the premier. Barbareschi the lai of the reasons given public by, Scilipoti is not, nor do I believe we can reduce everything to its sale in exchange for favors of various kinds. I think in essence that underlies all this degradation, in addition to buying and selling practices, typical of this regime, not at all unwrapped the hypothesis of possible blackmail on individuals. E 'on the other hand known that the power control Part of the secret services. We know from past experience that there are of diverted with Mafia ties with and P2 and that these characters hidden collect information on the various and who are ready to offer to the regime of power
. I think that today things continue to work in a similar way. Of course it is also be blackmailed, have skeletons in the closet (and many politicians have) or just intimidate
. Political fiction? Maybe, but the doubts in the face of certain behaviors
of some politicians or businessmen
remain, especially in light of the murky events of the past have not yet been clarified (crime Moro, Falcone e Borsellino, strategy of tension, murder etc etc). One more reason to try to support the honest judges and journalists or citizens who seek to shed light on these issues and serious pollution have contaminated the country in recent years. Besides that there would also be discussed on the sale of certain trade union representatives who are now nothing more if not themselves. There is only surprising that some workers would not rip the membership cards in front of conduct such as that of Bonanni, not only on workers' issues, but recently also on those of the civil service. long as politicians and representatives of this kind will manage the key points of the country there will be little hope for honest citizens.


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