Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Wash Sweatpants With Writing

Italian politics from an artist view of left alliance and an innovative program

Angelo Mazzoleni

Although not a specialist, as well as art, I am interested in politics for many years also. I hope not so seem out of place, nor conceited these my actions even on matters not strictly related to art and culture. I am convinced that today, given that "dogs and pigs" are now elected to parliament, also an artist can have his say, or rather should have its say on the current political situation and should do openly, as well as with the works, with words expressing their thoughts and taking an active and clear ...
certify departure guidelines just because my left, while trying to analyze the intellectual honesty difficult reality that we now live, all done in my position clear to the readers of this blog. Are obviously available to content with those who think the opposite to mine, no one has the truth in every pocket and even bitter but corrretto comparison is useful to grow.
on the other hand I am convinced that everyone should make a contribution to thinking on the current reality, in a phase of decline and cultural decadence, proposing solutions also creative as well as rational and this is perhaps an artist can 'do it better than a bureaucrat or a politician by profession.

Since I consider myself a pragmatist, I will try to follow the analysis to concrete proposals for solving problems and nodes, from my point of view, I think pantanoin key to exit the country currently is.

"Poor Italy"

An innovative program.

The way I see it, apart from the economic aspect of the crucial treaty on reducing public debt, they should be some guidelines for a program to truly reform part of a coalition of left

measures in the first hundred days:

-law on conflicts of interest,
-parliamentary radical drop in the number and cost of politics ,

-a law that prevents political candidates for more than two terms (generational)

reform of the TV with the release of political parties by RAI,

-fighting unemployment through job security and a fairer redistribution of wealth
-withdrawal from the war effort and decreased military spending (with additional savings)
- abolition of the provinces and government unnecessary
-fighting tax evasion and gradual lowering of taxes on a selective basis.
-focus on renewable energy
-justice reform, but so as to give more 'tools and processes to the magistrates for rapid and effective investigations.
-place at the center of the political problem of the work,
- the fight against corruption and the mafia, (including especially the white-collar and not only the laborers of the old mafia now losing the much has the government).
-Federalism solidarity.
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An uncertain future
Judging by recent events: the economic crisis, the country's moral degradation, corruption, TV trash, student revolts, culminating in the last agreements Fiat, made with unions do not have a real representation of workers, together with the social and economic malaise of many citizens, precarious employment and rising unemployment I would say that bad times lie ahead ... continues to read .... --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ;

Monday, December 27, 2010

Peeing A Lot And Stomach Pains And Upset

The issue of union representation

G. Archetti
As in politics, the law "crap" League ", which prevents citizens to choose their own representatives, including at trade union is decided from above. In a true democracy, the workers should be able to freely choose their union representatives. An assumption seems self-evident, yet, on this singular country, none of this happens at all.

That says a lot on the effective democracy of our country and the intellectual honesty of many union leaders. Result: caste policies that find their mirror functions in caste union on the skin of the citizens and workers, instead of representing the instances. ... In a phase of negotiations and strong social tensions, where you are looking for, with the excuse of the high labor costs and international competition in Italy, to reduce workers' rights, becomes crucial for the possibility that they can at least decide who should deal with the counterparty. impera Instead a group of union power now not credible and in fact the minority. The basic problem remains that of rebuild a network of international relationships between workers in each country to ensure that industries
investments where they agreed on the skin of workers in other countries. Given the rise of China, India and the lowest cost labor from other European countries, there should be a minimum agreement on common rules, except in Asian countries where exploitation of workers and ; the presence of regimes prevent this, at least in Europe.
I am aware that this is' a complex and difficult to implement and time-consuming, but it is a key point that should be addressed at least from the political left. Now that the Marxist concept of unity of all workers, internationalism, etc.. Seem antique, but now that the Marxian analysis would take a brush, it would be important to fish out these concepts and strategies. Unfortunately, today, almost no one seems to even know the old theories of Marx and the long struggle for attaining its objectives, both for the general subculture lavished by the media, both for the failure of regimes that had little to do with true communism suggested by Marx. I will not go further in these considerations, the place only as food for thought for readers of the blog ...

Vector The Sell Cutco Produst

Pie Tiffany, bracelet and Chanel makeup

Tiffany box cake with tricks and bracelet

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Can I Buy Chicken Wings Inbulk

Italy prisoner

egoarca is still there 'in its rooms of power, as if nothing had happened and it is incredible that the opposition will continue to go to parliament to vote for or against a measure in theater tragicomic farce and a surreal scenario ; regimes in the Third World.
I believe that Italy can no longer civil 'tolerate sitiuazione similar ever happened in any democratic country in the world. Meanwhile, you should open a debate on this blog and the media. Then, to find concrete forms of permanent struggle.
. It shows that there are even if I do not know if they are all technically feasible:
-collective appeals to melt because the rooms Napolitano
-events with permanent garrisons of citizens in the Egyptian style parliament.
-resignation of all opposition in parliament,
other ways to oust the Rais and save Italy from the brink I do not see, but it can 'be that anyone could suggest other more' effective. .. There remains the
fact that the inertia of a system, Italy is now the prisoner of a single man in many Italioti and the absence of an opposition with a minimum of determination have delivered.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Is It Normal To Argue With My Wife Everyday

cake and cake box

This weekend I was engaged in construction of 3 birthday cakes, here they are:

This is me commissioned by Rita to celebrate the 80th anniversary of his sweet mother.

SHAPED CAKE BAG, CHANEL PERFUME AND TRICKS. cakes are filled with all different.
This cake I made for the 24th birthday of Martha, Congratulations!

And finally, birthday cake shaped like a Tiffany box. This I was ordered by the bakery I work with so do not know who the birthday girl but of course many happy birthday to you too.

celebrate Christmas at all.
